Ambient Country, hosted by Bob Holmes of SUSS, explores the wide range of instrumental music including new folk, ambient, electronic, soundscapes, Americana, ja...
Host Bob Holmes of the ambient country band SUSS is joined by Portland, Oregon guitarist Marisa Anderson to discuss her influences as well as her recent releases for the Across the Horizon music series. Marisa brings an eclectic playlist of music including Nicolas Jaar, Charlie Parr, Nils Okland, Dirty Three, Gustavo Santaolalla, and many more. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Ambient Country Episode 39: Dave Harrington
Bob Holmes of SUSS is joined by co-host Dave Harrington of Darkside to discuss Dave's music, his latest releases with Yuka Honda & Nicole McCabe for the Across the Horizon music series and the music that's been exciting him lately, like dub, Japanese American Primitive music, Jerry Garcia, SexMob and so much more. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Ambient Country Episode 38: Best of 2024
On today’s episode, Bob Holmes of SUSS is joined by co-host Stephen Brower, Head of Amazon Music U.S. and curator of the Cosmic Strings playlist, to play their favorite artists and music of 2024.Listen to their best of 2024 playlists here: Spotify / Amazon Music / BNDCMPR This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Ambient Country Episode 37: John Diliberto (Echoes)
Host Bob Holmes from SUSS is joined by John Diliberto, host of the syndicated radio show, Echoes. Celebrating his 35th year with Echoes, John has been exploring the wide landscape of instrumental and ambient music longer than just about anyone else. Bob and SUSS have performed live on Echoes as well as appeared many times over the years. Now Bob is returning the favor by having John on his show to discuss the roots of the music John calls "Ambient Americana," including artists Brian Eno, Ry Cooder, Steve Roach, Bruce Kaphan, BJ Cole, and many more. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Ambient Country Episode 36: Luke Schneider & Kyle Hamlett
Host Bob Holmes from SUSS is joined this month by co-hosts Luke Schneider and Kyle Hamlett as they discuss their latest releases on the Across the Horizon music series. Luke & Kyle bring along a playlist of instrumental music including Yo La Tengo, Marisa Anderson, Anthony Phillips, Coupler, and Amelia Courthouse. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Ambient Country, hosted by Bob Holmes of SUSS, explores the wide range of instrumental music including new folk, ambient, electronic, soundscapes, Americana, jazz, and cosmic psychedelia. Each month, Bob has co-hosts who play music from their latest releases as well as share tracks that have influenced and moved them to make their music.