From the shiny and splendiferous scale worms of the deep, to scuba diving lizards, these animals all have one thing in common: they are 100% glam. I'm joined by Danl Goodman to rock out! Footnotes: Elvis worm! worms fighting, oh no! Scale worm jaws, extra oh no! beetle jewelry diving lizards, oh my! Shiny diving lizards caught on video!,time%20to%20escape%20from%20predators See for privacy information.
Gila Monster Heal Thyself
Today on the show, animals in medicine! This time we're not talking about mice, but the way amazing animal adaptations have inspired or directly contributed to medicine. From gila monster venom to the absurdity of giraffes, animals have a lot to teach us about medical science. I'm joined by real life gastroenterologist, and host of the medical podcast House of Pod, Kaveh Hoda!See for privacy information.
Freaky Fads
Today's show has some mature themes, like frank discussions of sex and bodily fluids, so if you have kids, maybe give it a listen before having them listen with you. Freaky animal fads! Animals can have culture, but sometimes, that culture is uncultured. From dolphin pee to a macaque on your back, these animals are definitely going to ruin your fancy dinner party. Discover this and more as we answer the age-old question: are cockatoos learning to be delinquents? I'm joined by segment director for the Daily Show, Carmen Angelica! Sources: Last week's mystery animal sound: See for privacy information.
National Park Hidden Gems
Today on the show I'm joined by Pallavi Gunalan to talk about some of the coolest animals you can find in U.S. National Parks! Our national parks are home to some of the most stunning species on the planet, and are incredibly important reserves that protect the biological jewels of America. From adorable little cat-like critters that look like they came straight out of a fantasy, to the GOAT of horns, to a spiky little guy with biological weaponry, these are just three examples of the amazing animals found in National Parks. Discover this and more as we answer the age-old question: When is a cat not a cat and a toad not a toad? Episode ImagesSee for privacy information.
Big Baby Mayhem
Today on the show, big, adorable, playful babies who get into mischief! Baby elk, baby elephants, and the biggest baby on earth (insert your preferred joke person here). We're having mega-fun with these megafauna babies! I'm joined by proprietress of the website How To Eat LA, and host of the Smart Mouth podcast Katherine Spiers! See for privacy information.