We talk to business and technology leaders who share analysis, insights, and stories on data science, the Internet of Things, Smart Communities and other forces...
Geographies of Innovation: Real-Life Stories of Transformative Change
David Yarnold, author and former CEO of the Audubon Society, gives examples of how location technology is solving some of the world’s most challenging problems while speaking at Esri headquarters in Redlands, California.
Mapping the Deep: An Oceanic Conversation with Dawn Wright
Esri Chief scientist Dawn Wright explains why mapping the ocean in high resolution is key to keeping it healthy.
Preventing Plastic Pollution with Location Technology
Bill Robberson, CTO of Kamilo and nationally recognized expert in plastics pollution research, describes how his company innovated a tracking process that verifies truly recycled plastic using location technology.
Navigating London's Housing Maze: A Blueprint for Change
Peter Kemp, head of Change, Delivery, and Planning at the Greater London Housing Authority, explains how a smart map brings efficiency to housing development in London, England.
How the Community Map of Canada Impacts Public Safety and the Economy
Alex Miller, president of Esri Canada, explains how an authoritative crowdsourced digital map of Canada is playing a key role in improving economic health and public safety for Canadian communities.
We talk to business and technology leaders who share analysis, insights, and stories on data science, the Internet of Things, Smart Communities and other forces driving digital transformation and leveraging the power of location intelligence.