Welcome to Moneyfestation, a podcast where money habits meets energy work. Valuable to you that wants to feel better together with your money, regardless if you...
S4E3 - I'm not enough - a pattern, a truth or a mystery?
I'm not enough - a pattern, a truth or a mystery?
Nadia shares a variety of moments in her life where she felt like she wasn't enough, like being the ugly kid in school, not having enough money and every time changed the projection. She connects it with Human Design, gate 48 and finishes the episode with important questions you should ask yourself if you desire to feel differently.
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S4E2 - Money, personal development and retreat at a castle
Money, personal development and retreat at a castle
Talking from the heart about why money became my journey and the benefits from doing the money work. Also, I'm inviting you to a caste.
What Money Personality are you?
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Check out this free Masterclass on youtube about your upper and lower limit
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S4E1 - 2025 - the year where I lead from the feminine
2025 - the year where I lead from the feminine
In this episode Nadia reflects about the past five years and where it has brought her in wisdom and lessons. Fears, doubts, wins and transformations. Everything that made us come to this point.
What Money Personality are you?
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Check out this free Masterclass on youtube about your upper and lower limit
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S3E10 - Gott och blandat om Nadia Wallin
Gott och Blandat om Nadia Wallin
Om du känt dig nyfiken på författaren bakom Älskade Pengar, Intuitionspodden eller denna podd Moneyfestation så kan du äntligen få stilla nyfikenheten. I detta avsnitt intervjuas hon av ingen mindre en byta jobb experten Ylva Helmersson.
Jag berättar både om min barndom och om hur jag vilset lämnade Sverige ut i Europa för att studera fransk juridik utan att prata franska. Vidare till Aruba och in i föräldraskapet, pengaresan och företagandet.
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Poddavsnitt om Intuitionen i podden Hästvis med Susanna Davidsson
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S3E9 - Pengar växer faktiskt på träd - Ola Wallström
Pengar växer faktiskt på träd!
Här kommer ett spännande avsnitt med Ola Wallström om målbilder, vad som är viktigt i livet och om pengar, pengar, pengar.
Men också, hur göra man när man har jättemånga idéer, eller en jättebra idé, men inte riktigt kommer igång?
Connecta med Ola på LINKEDIN
Läs mer om hans kurs Rivstarta din idé här
Welcome to Moneyfestation, a podcast where money habits meets energy work. Valuable to you that wants to feel better together with your money, regardless if you have a business or not.
Topics which you can expect
✨ Intuition, Alignment and Energy Work
✨ Money Personalities - habits, thoughts and actions
✨ Interesting guests that works with money in different ways
✨ Storytelling by the host and her clients
Through inspiring stories, actionable insights, and guided exercises, you’ll discover how to change your finances by working from the inside out—transforming your energy, habits, and relationship with money.
Explore ways to work with Nadia via https:://linktr.ee/nadiawallin