The Night Terrors podcast is an inaugural show featuring audio adaptations of frightening fiction. Join your host as he delves into chilling horror fiction tale...
Penpal Part III: Boxes: A Terrifying Tale of a Boy and His Missing Cat By Dathan Auerbach
In this chilling tale, a young boy sets out to retrieve his beloved cat, Boxes, who has run away and hidden in the crawlspace under their old house. But what he discovers there is a nightmare beyond his wildest fears, and he soon realizes that he may never see Boxes again. The story takes a number of twists and turns, leading to an ending that will leave you with goosebumps. Join us for this spine-tingling story, and see if you can handle the terror.
#horror #spooky #fiction #podcast #ghoststory #creepy #scary #thriller #horrorfiction #horrorstory
Penpal Part III: Boxes By Dathan Auerbach
Narrated by Dana Tyler Bolton
Sound Design, Editing, and Music by Kirk Ruby Find him at
Licensed under CC-BY-SA
Narrated by Dana Tyler Bolton
To hear more creepy content from independent writers throughout the horror community, check out our website at
Or feel free find us on Twitter @nighterrorpod or instagram @nighterrorpod
If you have any suggestions, submissions, or just want to chat, you can reach Dana either through the form on the website at or email him at [email protected]
Thank you again for all your support, and don't forget to like, follow and share The Night Terrors Podcast
#horrorpodcast #nosleep Creepypasta podcast stories and nosleep stories are property of the original author, and are produced with written agreement from the author or through a CC license. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe
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Above the swing, in the Tree
It's been a while. But here's a short story to go to sleep to.
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The Strange Disappearance and Mysterious Death of Todd Geib: Accident or Murder?
In 2005, 22-year-old Todd Geib disappeared after leaving a keg party in Michigan. Weeks later, his body was found standing upright in a lake with no signs of drowning. While authorities ruled it an accidental death, evidence suggests foul play. Discover the strange details and unanswered questions surrounding this mysterious case.
The Night Terrors podcast is an inaugural show featuring audio adaptations of frightening fiction. Join your host as he delves into chilling horror fiction tales from Creepypasta and stories written by talented, up-and-coming independent authors to create an immersive world of terror.
You never know what you’re going to get from any one episode, so leave behind your safe reality and descend into the depths of your most terrifying imaginations.
Find time in your day to alter your perspective and discover the dark side.