Samite is a slow-moving horror series that delves into the dark history behind a Bulletin Board System (BBS) that was started in 1981. Starring Amando McClaine ...
Time to expand the Samite story with ... more Samite stories.
Visit to read the new stories starting November 11, 2025.
3-4: They Call it Glory
Here we are at the end. The years ahead are uncertain.
This episode stars:Christine Celozzi as Claire EmmersonArmando McClain as Michael Wolling-Bryer
This episode features:
Justin Allen as the Interviewer
Kristen Ferreira as Mary
Zoe Shombert as Annabelle Robillard
Hopper Stone as Pilot Peter
It features the song Elk by Meydän (Free Music Archive), CC BY
3-3: The Lion
We delve into the origins of the Pride and the man who started it all.
This episode stars:Christine Celozzi as Claire EmmersonArmando McClain as Michael Wolling-Bryer
3-2: With Hands Unbound
We explore a period of the Pride's history that remains fuzzy to us: The first half of the 20th century.
This episode stars:Christine Celozzi as Claire EmmersonArmando McClain as Michael Wolling-Bryer
3-1: Godman
We return with season 3 to bring you the roots of the group we've been researching for years now. A group known as 'The Pride.'
This episode stars:Christine Celozzi as Claire EmmersonArmando McClain as Michael Wolling-Bryer
Samite is a slow-moving horror series that delves into the dark history behind a Bulletin Board System (BBS) that was started in 1981. Starring Amando McClaine and Christine Celozzi, Samite is a 12-part story that connects to a much larger world.