Ep65. Ambassador Rolf Sohlman and his ”Academic Friend” - Part 2
In this explosive Part 2, we continue our deep dive into one of Sweden’s most unsettling Cold War secrets.For nearly two decades, Swedish Ambassador Rolf Sohlman operated in Moscow, maintaining a suspiciously close relationship with Panteleymon Ivanovich Takhchianov, one of the KGB’s most ruthless agent recruiters.Sweden’s Security Police (SÄPO) suspected the worst. Reports suggest Sohlman shared sensitive information with Takhchianov—including insights on Raoul Wallenberg, the missing diplomat the Soviets desperately wanted to erase.But Sohlman wasn’t alone. Sverker Åström, another top Swedish diplomat, was also suspected of Soviet ties. In 1964, both men were quietly reassigned—neither formally accused, yet too compromised to remain in power.Even Sweden’s Prime Minister Tage Erlander knew something was wrong. His diary reveals the political maneuvering behind the scenes:“It must be terrible to take a stand on Åström’s promotion, when the police so insistently warn against it.”Was this Cold War diplomacy—or a cover-up? Why are key documents still locked away in Sweden’s National Archives? And how deep did the KGB’s reach go into Sweden’s foreign policy?A buried chapter of real history—unraveled in Spionpodden. Listen now!Guest: Susanne Berger, author, researcher and founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Research Initiative (RWI-70). Recorded - November 15, 2024En podd av: Mikael Hylin Musik: Anton Fossum-Hylin Cover: AI-generated photos of Rolf Sohlman Swedish Ambassador to Moscow 1947-1964 (left). Source- Wikipedia Commons & MGB Col. Panteleymon I. Takhchianov. Source- The Memorial Society, MoscowFriskrivningsklausul: De berättelser, fakta, åsikter och synpunkter som presenteras i denna podcast är uteslutande de som tillhör presentatören eller intervjuobjektet och speglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Spionpodden är en oberoende, ideell podcast utan kopplingar till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga eller privata särintressen. Den är varken kontrollerad eller ägd av någon tredje part.Disclaimer: The stories, facts, views, and opinions presented in this podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is an independent, non-profit podcast with no affiliations to political, religious, economic, public, or private special interests. It is neither controlled nor owned by any third party.