The Vor Game, Chapters 6 and 7 with Sofia B
In this episode, Sofia B returns to talk about chapters 6 and 7 of Lois McMaster Bujold's science fiction masterpiece, The Vor Game, featuring our favorite young hero, Miles Vorkosigan! The Vor Game, Chapters 6 and 7 with Sofia B Jeff's podcasts Shattered Worlds RPG Everything is Awesome with Jeff and ? Omniversal Escapades (Jeff’s livestreaming RPG show) James Lark (composer, podcaster) wrote the theme song for the show Licensed for show use, copyright 2024 Here’s James website for all his activities: Recommendations Kaikeyei (Vaishanavi Patel) Interference (an 8th Doctor novel) Social Media Jeff Richardson @eljefetacoma on Facebook, Twitter, Bluesky, Instagram, and Mastadon Links the starship Enterprise Spontaneous human combustion The Warrior's Apprentice The Expanse Medea Wicked Shards of Honor Extended Notes its autumn in Vorbarr Sultana earth import trees "Miles glimpsed one such tree. An Earth maple, with carnelian leaves and a silver-gray trunk, across the street. Then the door closed. Miles held that tree before his mind’s eye, trying to memorize it, just in case he never saw it again." hes taken upstairs in impsec to see the boss, Simon Illyan Overhult is unsure about leaving Miles alone with Simon Simon is unconcerned Miles looks like absolute shit Simon looks him over it gives Miles some deja vu this is an easter egg for those whove read the warriors apprentice People fear Illyan, but a lot of that is the office hes been in the job20 years screwed up during the soltoxin attack illyan is only afraid of Miles's mom apparently because of "vivid first impressions" impressions plural? Miles used to call him Uncle Simon. now its sir Simon looks utterly exhausted "them. The facts appear to be mutating every forty minutes, like bacteria. I don’t suppose you could have picked some more public way to self-destruct? Attempted to assassinate the Emperor with your pocketknife during the Birthday Review, say, or raped a sheep in the Great Square during rush hour?”" he doesnt understand how Miles could have betrayed his father like this Miles doesnt think he really did Count V and aide walk in Miles is jealous of how brilliant respected tall and handsome Jole is (Vs aide) "Jole was even worse than Ivan, who while darkly handsome had never been accused of brilliance." Simon turns off recording equipment his father hugs him - its quite touching Miles explains the incident CV is fiddling with a light pen Miles is annoyed by this CV must notice his reaction because he puts it away this shows he is cognizant of his actions and doesnt want to annoy his subordinates (or his son) what a contrast with Metzov CV is furious that Metzov dragooned trainees for the firing squad "General Metzov, by your account,” said Admiral Vorkosigan, “dragged a platoon of eighteen-year-olds into what came within a hair of being a mass torture-murder.” Miles nodded in memory. His body still twinged with assorted agonies. “For that sin, there is no hole deep enough to hide him from my wrath. Metzov will be taken care of, all right.”" Miles explains that half the techs were Greekies Illyan is stunned to see that Metzov had no concern for the fallout Miles says he thought itd be a problem, but he wasnt conscious of it until after the fact but that doesnt stop him from spinning "It . . . occurred to me, that if I died with them, at least it would be crystal clear that it hadn’t been some plot of your government or the Vor oligarchy. So that if I lived, I won, and if I died, I won too. Or at least served. Strategy, of sorts.”" Miles asks if he'll be charged with treason Illyan says no, but mentions its the second time... he plans to hide M until it blows over Miles asks for mercy for the mutineers, since they were in it together CV explains that if he lets them off, Miles's career will be ruined "Miles exhaled, a long breath. “In a weird sense, they were my men. Do it. Kill the charges.” “Will you resign your commission, then?” demanded Illyan. He looked sick. Miles felt sick, nauseous and cold. “I will.”" Illyan asks how Miles knew about Metzovs actions during the Komarr revolt M explains that he and Ivan did it hes annoyed that Ivan didnt tell Illyan Miles is trippin so he sits down cross legged his dad thinks about helping but doesnt he recommends they fast-penta Ahn Miles explains how he and Ivan did the research CV almost laughs "Airtight security, you said,” murmured Count Vorkosigan, unsuccessfully suppressing a wheezing laugh. “The most expensive yet devised. Proof against the cleverest viruses, the most sophisticated eavesdropping equipment. And two ensigns waft right through it?” Goaded, Illyan snapped, “I didn’t promise it was idiot-proof!”" Illyan is so over Miles's bullshit "This, on top of your earlier escapade with those damned mercenaries, on top of it all—house arrest isn’t enough. I won’t sleep through the night till I have you locked in a cell with your hands tied behind your back.”" CV proposes that Illyan bring Miles into ImpSec Illyan realizes no one will have Miles but himself "None that I could, in honor, lean on to take him. Excepting yourself. I have always”— Count Vorkosigan flashed a peculiar grin—“leaned on you, Simon.”" they plan to hide him - true exile but not disgrace "Security can use his talents. Security more than any other department needs his talents.” “To see the obvious?” “And the less obvious. Many officers may be trusted with the Emperor’s life. Rather fewer with his honor.”" CV suggests Miles go to infirmary he asks about Kyril Island "The climate was ferocious, the terrain was lethal, a third of the population including my immediate superior was dead drunk most of the time. The average IQ equaled the mean temperature in degrees cee, there wasn’t a woman for five hundred kilometers in any direction, and the base commander was a homicidal psychotic. Other than that, it was lovely.”" Miles is surprised to learn CV once commanded the base "How’d you like it?” “I can’t remember much. I was drunk most of the time. Everybody finds their own way of dealing with Camp Permafrost. I might say, you did rather better than I." Miles has one more question "Miles looked up at his father. “Did I do the right thing, sir? Last night?” “Yes,” said the Count simply. “A right thing. Perhaps not the best of all possible right things. Three days from now you may think of a cleverer tactic, but you were the man on the ground at the time. I try not to second-guess my field commanders.” Miles’s heart rose in his aching chest for the first time since he’d left Kyril Island. He nodded, satisfied." Miles goes downstairs to infirmary the surgeon seems awed by CV Miles knows the real CV, the one who came home for lunch every day to spend quality time with his son "Only Miles knew the interior view of those hours, how the big man in the green uniform would bolt a sandwich in five minutes and then spend the next hour and a half down on the floor with his son who could not walk, playing, talking, reading aloud." when Miles didnt want to do PT, CV would spur him forward "'You are Vor. You must not frighten your liege people with this show of uncontrol, Lord Miles.”" M realizes that with CV in his life, no wonder he wasnt awed by Metzov He's treated for five days in the infirmary then released "Why can't I go home?" Miles complained to his mother on her next visit. "Nobody's telling me anything. If I'm not under arrest, why can't I take home leave? If I am under arrest, why aren't the doors locked? I feel like I'm in limbo." "Countess Cordelia Vorkosigan vented an unladylike snort. "You are in limbo, kiddo." we get a great description of Lady Vorkosigan he thinks about how she was a captain on an astronomical survey, an explorer, brave she moves through Barrayaran society with aplomb "It was the casual fearlessness, Miles decided, that made his mother so unsettling." Miles complains about not being let out. Lady V explains the fallout annoying bit of unnecessary exposition: "Think of it as a funny reservist." She would know this already Metzov is getting booted by with no court martial. Miles is still in limbo tho the plan is for the Barrayaran militaristss to settle down before letting him out "It all seems so unreal." He hunched back into his pillow. "I only wanted to serve." She suggests that he could up Vorness and see the galaxy he counters with why don't you do that? "Ah." She smiled bleakly at the touche. "Some people's needs are more compelling than guns." turns out the Count cant come see him to make it look like he's angry unnecessary exposition: the thing about Aral's high hopes in Miles around his congenital injuries. clearly they both have talked about this already "Miles sighed glumly. "I want something to do. I want my clothes back." Ivan doesnt want Miles's limbo stuck on him (like a button on the episode) Chapter 7 Miles is led to his protected witnesses apartment he thinks about being a political nonperson "Was it possible life in limbo was having a chameleon effect, rendering him translucent?" he has all his stuff from Kyril Island he looks around. ordinary stuff there must be bugs all over Miles didn't have any neighbors he wanders around but gets gently directed back to his area he thinks about rappeling down the outside Miles gets enough food tokens for a month and shudders He cleans all his stuff and gets dressed he pretends he's in a cabin on a starship Someone comes to his door its a guard, scanning for whatnot in comes a man, the emperor gregor vor barra Miles gestures him to sit asks if Emperor has bugs running he says he asked for none but who knows with Illyan Emperor has wine, the private reserve "elegant anesthesia" Gregor cant stay too long, but they have time to pound a couple bottles he references Cordelia's religion - what is it? Mom put Gregor up to it, even provided the wine calls it ambrosia made me wish i could still drink wine Miles thinks about growing up with Gregor, tho he was five years older than Miles Ivan and Elena Gregor gives sympathy about Miles's military career he complains about his dull service he talks about their forebears, how active they were militarily Miles says they were flung into situations Mad Yuri killed most of CVs family Gregors melancholy, Miles wonders if he's thinking about how bad his father was, or if he even knew the truth about Serg's evil "Nobody who'd known Serg talked about him, Count Vorkosigan least of all. Miles had met one of Serg's victims. Miles hoped Gregor never would." Miles asks about Gregor's birthday Gregor says folks are all trying to get him to marry Miles is like go for it dude, have a son and settle all this schemery Gregors like you could be one of the schemers Miles is like have you seen me? bro i look wack. get married have kids Gregor ponders running away Miles does not like where this is going Gregor asks about the chinese emperor who swept up somewhere Miles is like no dude youre Vor, you cant wander off Miles tries to distract by playing tacti-go even though he doesn't want to Gregor tries to beat Miles. Miles goes easy on him, but not too obviously. Gregors having fun they drink more "I don't think I've beaten you at this since you were fourteen," sighed Gregor, concealing secret satisfaction at the low point spread of that last round. "You should be an officer, dammit" Miles explains that the game isnt analogous to real battle. Miles likes it for not being so chaotic Gregors like wtf why did they send you there, mentions the time Miles commanded a space fleet Miles is like chill dude thats a secret also he didnt prove he could obey, only command Gregor says he doesnt know why Illyan didnt do more with them he likes that Miles brought them secretly into Barrayar's service Miles thinks Illyan took the deal to keep them from working for Barrayar's enemies explains their size and function Miles sort of tells the story of sneaking in and tricking them all into serving him he thinks about how wild it was hes not fond of heights? how has this not come up Gregor ass ghow Kyril Island compared to battle with the Dendarii? "Oh, there were certain parallels," Miles admitted. "Both were jobs I wasn't trained for, both were potentially lethal, I got out of both by my skin - lost some skin. The Dendarii episode was....worse." Miles should have put on tunes, the silence is oppressive Miles asks Gregor to get him out Gregor admits that he feels compelled to do what Illyan and Vorkosigan suggest he do Illyan wants him kept out of sight so thats that "How much time? Dammit, if I don't get something to do soon, I'm going to be the first case of human spontaneous combustion recorded on vid." they still havent proven that that is a thing, hilarious Miles is way drunk now, says they're treating him like a mascot Gregor knocks over a stack of chips "Being a mascot isn't bad work, if you can get it." He promises to talk to Illyan about it Miles gets a job! He's administrative assistant to the guard commander for the building he's there a month and so over it he wonders if he'll get out before Winterfair another month he starts to watch every training vid in the library gets halfway before being called to Illyan's office There he meets his superior, Captain Ungari specialist in military evaluation Illyan surprises Miles to report any news on the Dendarii Mercenaries he only got a bday message from Elena Simon puts up a holodisplay of wormholes, tells Miles to evaluate the scenario Miles proves he's got the goods to analyze the data and complete an assessment this also introduces us to the locations the story will be taking us, a bit of table setting that ends in a reminder of whats up with Cetaganda Simon explains their focus "Wormhole strategy. The devil’s cat’s cradle,” Illyan muttered editorially. He squinted at his glowing schematic. “Four players, one game-board. It ought to be simple. . . ." theres an arms race developing in the Hegen Hub, planetary governments hiring mercs and building armed jump stations and the like the Dendarii have been contracted by Aslund to cover while they build a station we learn that the Dendarii have changed their name back to the Osserin Fleet Vervain hired someone called Randall's Rangers Illyan moves on to Cetaganda he suggests that Pol might react badly to learning Barrayar and the Dendarii have a link they might turn to Cetaganda Illyan wants information "Illyan, generally, wanted information with the same passion that a strung-out juba freak craved a spike. He turned now to Ungari. “So what do you think, Captain? Will he do?”" "He’s more physically conspicuous than I’d realized.” “As camouflage, that’s not necessarily a disadvantage. In his company you ought to be nearly invisible. The stalking goat and the hunter.”" turns out CV thinks they should send Miles out to ascertain info on the Dendarii and the situation in general asks if Miles could be Naismith again "To activate that suppressed persona again . . . It wasn’t just a part, Illyan. “I could play Naismith again, sure. It’s stopping playing Naismith that scares me.”" Miles is freaking out inside but keeping cool Illyan sends him out to be on hand if they need him to take control of the Dendarii money to bribe them away from the Hub Hell be Naismith, keeping it cool "You will, of course, obey Captain Ungari’s orders. That goes without saying.” Illyan’s direct stare was chill as a Kyril Island midnight. Miles smiled dutifully, to show he took the hint. I’ll be good, sir—let me off-planet! From ghost to goat—was this a promotion."