Silver Bullet focuses on young Marty Coslaw (Corey Haim), a boy in a wheelchair who is the first to figure out that the mysterious deaths in his small town are the work of a rogue werewolf. Based on a novella by King, illustrated by the late, great Bernie Wrightson, this '80s movie is one that holds up more than a lot of its contemporaries.
259: King and Holidays with Mallory O'Meara and Meredith Borders
This one is a little more of a nerdy deep dive into King's overall body of work, but we do talk a bit about Different Seasons, Cycle of the Werewolf, One for the Road, Dreamcatcher, Storm of the Century, If It Bleeds, The Stand, Dark Tower, and The Shining, all of which give some kind of passing nod to widely celebrated holidays or at least the bone-chilling horror of New England winters.
258: Gramma with Drew Hancock
Young George is left alone with his ailing Gramma and starts to piece together that she's may be a legit danger to him. What's up with all those occult books, Gramma? This creepy King short story was published in Skeleton Crew and has been on the minds of King readers ever since.
257: The Shawshank Redemption with Evan Waite
Based on King's novella Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, Frank Darabont's adaptation is commonly thought of as one of the all-time great movies. It focuses on a wrongfully imprisoned man and his decades long bid for freedom and all the folks he impacts along the way.
256: Live from KingCon: An Interview with Thomas Jane
This live recording of The Kingcast was done last week in Las Vegas at KingCon in a room full of Stephen King super fans. Thankfully, Tom Jane proves his King credentials as this deep dive chat covers King's books, short stories, and the adaptations that Jane has had a chance to partake in. Yes, including Dreamcatcher. Maybe especially Dreamcatcher.