Adventure with us across Nerd Culture! We're talking about all the fiction you love from TV & Film to Books & Comics.
Podcasts by Filly & Friends
Currently prod...
The Wheel of Time is the late author Robert Jordan's epic fantasy series concluded by Brandon Sanderson after his untimely passing. The screen adaption is currently in it's third season airing on Amazon prime. In this podcast Rich, Taylor, & the man called Pres break down the fourth episode of season 3 "The Road to the Spear" in a spoiler free conversation safe for those who haven't read the series.Give Screen & Page a follow to keep up with what we're up to and to send your questions & feedback.Thanks for listening!
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Wheel of Time S3 E1-3
The Wheel of Time is the late author Robert Jordan's epic fantasy series concluded by Brandon Sanderson after his untimely passing. The screen adaption is currently in it's third season airing on Amazon prime. In this podcast Rich, Taylor, & the man called Pres break down the first three episodes of season 3 "To Race the Shadow, A Question of Crimson, & Seeds of Shadow" in a spoiler free conversation safe for those who haven't read the series.
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Wheel of Time S3 preview
Screen & Page was forged in the fires of Robert Jordan's epic fantasy series the Wheel of Time and we're delighted for it's imminent return. Season 3 premieres on March 13, 2025 over at Amazon Prime. Rich, Pres, & Taylor will be reunited breaking down the episodes weekly in non spoiler discussions safe for those who haven't read the series.
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What Did I Miss E23 - Aliens (1986)
On What Did I Miss we go back to revisit the old & older media that made us! Filly & Taylor have a curated list of shows & movies they each respectively love and the other hasn't seen. They'll trade back and forth every week revisiting the list as they add listener submissions. Hit them up to let them know what you want them to watch next or what you think they've both missed! This week we're watching James Cameron's Oscar winning follow up to Ridley Scott's original sci-fi horror Aliens, starring Sigourney Weaver, Paul Reiser, Bill Paxton, Michael Biehn, & Lance Henriksen. We discuss why it's a stone cold classic film everyone should see at least once.
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What Did I Miss E22 - Monster House (2006)
On What Did I Miss we go back to revisit the old & older media that made us! Filly & Taylor have a curated list of shows & movies they each respectively love and the other hasn't seen. They'll trade back and forth every week revisiting the list as they add listener submissions. Hit them up to let them know what you want them to watch next or what you think they've both missed! This week we're watching the 2006 Halloween adventure Monster House from director Gil Kenan and featuring Dan Harmon with a writing credit. With a delightful ensemble voice cast ranging from from Catherine O'Hara, Fred Willard, & Maggie Gyllenhaal to Kevin James, Kathleen Turner, & Steve Buscemi.
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Adventure with us across Nerd Culture! We're talking about all the fiction you love from TV & Film to Books & Comics.
Podcasts by Filly & Friends
Currently producing:
The Wheel of Time
The wheel of time turns and our favorite show returns. Rich, Pres, & Taylor are talking through WoT on Prime as episodes drop weekly in a spoiler free safer for show watchers only pod.
Myths & Legends - A Wheel of Time book club
We're reading the epic fantasy series The Wheel Of Time by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson. This is a spoiler free podcast with a clear shift into a full series spoiler discussion to finish each episode. We've finished book one, The Eye of the World and are currently reading book 2 The Great Hunt. Rich & the man called Pres have read the entire series and will be joined by Taylor for the spoiler free half. We guide new readers through this world, and reminisce with everyone who's been here before. Episodes released every other week.
What Did I Miss?
A film & TV recap podcast where Rich and Taylor get caught up on all the media they missed! They're rewatching the movies & shows they love and the other hasn't seen. Join them weekly as they travel back in time through the media that made them and catch up on everything they missed!