Created and produced by parents of young children, WBUR's Circle Round adapts carefully-selected folktales from around the world into sound- and music-rich radi...
Terrence Terrell (B Positive, Giants) stars in this Abenaki tale about a gentle giant who brings night and day to the world, and gives a certain striped critter its telltale scent.
The Peach of Life
Recorded live at Symphony Space, a star-studded cast brings to life this Chinese and Vietnamese legend about the healing power of a kind and honest heart.
The Wild Goose Chase
Recorded live at Symphony Space with a star-studded cast, this magical tale inspired by Ukrainian and Russian lore follows a kindly tailor as he embarks on an unforgettable chase.
Encore: The Most Fabulous Fur of All
Q'orianka Kilcher (Yellowstone, Dora and the Lost City of Gold) stars in a Cherokee tale about a clever rabbit who craftily tries pulling the wool — and fur — over everyone’s eyes.
Dancing to a Different Tune
World-renowned violinist Hilary Hahn plays a musician with a miraculous gift in this whimsical folktale from South America, North Africa, Europe and the US.
Created and produced by parents of young children, WBUR's Circle Round adapts carefully-selected folktales from around the world into sound- and music-rich radio plays for kids ages 3-103. Each 15 to 25-minute episode explores important issues like kindness, persistence and generosity. And each episode ends with an activity that inspires a deeper conversation between children and grown-ups.