Asha Nayaswami shares how to become successful without compromising spiritual principles, based on Swami Kriyananda's series of lessons, "Success and Happiness ...
Many people use their individual egoic qualities powerfully but not productively, in terms of their ultimate fulfillment. The ego is only a point of view, and we can learn to back out of that perspective into our source of divinity. (Based on Lesson 26.)
Class 40: Creating Opportunities
The successful person is one who not only looks opportunities to appear in his life, but attracts them with magnetic expectation. (Based on Lesson 25.)
Class 39: How to Choose the Right Line of Work
If we live in tune with higher principles and put out energy in humble sincerity, there is a force that will carry us to succeed in what we do. Seek work that is expansive, and seek to become skillful and to serve others in whatever work you do. (Based on Lesson 24.)
Class 38: God’s Place in the Business World
In this lesson, Swami Kriyananda encourages us to develop a concept of God that we can take everywhere. To bring God into the workplace means to have not so much a religious attitude as one of God awareness in all. (Based on Lesson 23.)
Class 37: Dharma versus Adharma
Where there is dharma (right action), there is an experience of bliss, and in reality, bliss is the lasting success we seek. How can we react to life’s circumstances in the highest possible way? By flowing with them. (Based on Lesson 22.)
Asha Nayaswami shares how to become successful without compromising spiritual principles, based on Swami Kriyananda's series of lessons, "Success and Happiness Through Yoga Principles."