Watch Out for Fireballs! is a game club podcast, focused on retro and non-current games. Every week, we play a game in its entirety, then discuss its merits and...
How can a movie also be a game? The sci-fi anthology series Black Mirror tries to answer that with the experimental Bandersnatch, which weirdly feels archaic in many ways even as it tries to break storytelling boundaries. There is some neat stuff in here, but does it add up to anything more than cheap twists?
WOFF Dispatch: The Evolution of Boss Fights
Boss Fights! Who needs them? Not us. But the video game industrial complex sure seems addicted to them.
Upcoming Schedule:
* Black Mirror - Bandersnatch
* Tenchu Stealth Assassins
* Skald: Against the Black Priory
* Hammerfight
* Indika
* Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
WOFF 465 Preview: Super Mario 64
Genre defining, boundary pushing, console selling; Super Mario 64 had it all. One of the defining games of the Nintendo 64 and of the early 3D era left a huge legacy behind, but we can only really talk about it in full if we go back to where it all began. There's a letter, a girl, and a promise of cake. This is definitely not a trap.
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464: Tactical Breach Wizards
Do Wizards make good cops? Well, "good" cops. How about, would Wizards be efficient cops? That's the question XCOM-inspired Tactical Breach Wizards aims to answer. They can arrest people with magic! Too bad the criminals have magic too.
463: Superliminal
How big is a game? How small is it? These questions are a matter of perspective, and Superluminal is here to teach you about perspective.
Watch Out for Fireballs! is a game club podcast, focused on retro and non-current games. Every week, we play a game in its entirety, then discuss its merits and flaws at length. Most episodes begin with a short sketch, and we're pretty liberal about keeping tangents in. But it ultimately comes down to: Why do we like (or dislike?) this game.