What is Weather Magick? Weather Witchcraft explained.
For centuries, legends have spoken of sorcerers, witches, and mystical warriors who could summon storms, call forth rain, and battle for control over the elements. From the mysterious Benandanti of Italy to the feared tempestarii of medieval Europe, weather magic has long been shrouded in secrecy.In this video, we uncover the hidden history of magia tempestaria, explore the real-life witch trials that accused people of controlling the weather, and reveal the forgotten rituals used to summon or repel storms. Was weather magic ever real? Or was it merely a tool for persecution and power?Join me as we explore the dark and fascinating world of weather witchcraft, forbidden knowledge, and the supernatural battles fought in the skies.CONNECT & SUPPORTđMY COURSES đ©đ»âđ https://drangelapuca.com/coursesWEBSITE & NEWSLETTER đ https://www.drangelapuca.com/#newsletterBOOK A TUTORING OR A LECTURE đhttps://drangelapuca.com/servicesBECOME MY PATRON! đ© https://www.patreon.com/angelapucaSUPPORT ME ON KO-FI âïžhttps://ko-fi.com/drangelapucaONE-OFF DONATIONS đ° https://paypal.me/angelasymposiumJOIN MEMBERSHIPS đ„ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPSbip_LX2AxbGeAQfLp-Ig/joinMY PODCAST đ https://open.spotify.com/show/2TKoWTGe6OKRokHN2zUIxM?si=dd9f50a734b14f86MY MERCH đ https://drangelapuca.creator-spring.com/FOLLOW MEđŁ- YouTube (@drangelapuca)đ- Instagram (@drangelapuca) đž- TikTok (@drangelapuca) đ”- Twitter (@angelapuca11) đŠ- Facebook (Dr Angela Puca) đ„REFERENCES đCampion, N. (2009). A History of Western Astrology: Volume II: The Medieval and Modern Worlds. Bloomsbury Academic.Davies, O. (2007). Popular magic: Cunning-folk in English history. Bloomsbury Publishing.Ginzburg, C. (1983). The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Johns Hopkins University Press.Legoas, J. P. (2022). Performing Symmetry in Andean Weather Forecasting: The Practice of Cabañuelas, Beyond Divination and Suffering. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 90(4), 987â1009. https://doi.org/10.1093/jaarel/lfad030Montesano, M. (2012). Il Papato e la stregoneria (secoli XI-XV). In Non lasciar vivere la malefica (pp. 133-150). Rome: Viella.Montesano, M. (2023). Con tuono, lampo o pioggia: Magia e stregoneria tempestarie fra antichitĂ ed etĂ moderna. Lucca: La Vela.PĂłcs, Ă. (2005). Weather magic in the early modern period as reflected in the minutes of witchcraft trials. HistorickĂœ Ășstav SAV.PĂłcs, Ă. (2020). Stoikheion, Stuha, ZduhaÄ: Guardian spirits, weather magicians, and talismanic magic in the Balkans. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft, 15(1), University of Pennsylvania Press.Thomas, K. (1971). Religion and the decline of magic: Studies in popular beliefs in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England. Oxford University Press.Verderame, L. (2014). The halo of the moon. In J. C. Fincke (Ed.), Divination in the ancient Near East: A workshop on divination conducted during the 54th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, WĂŒrzburg, 2008 (pp. 91â102). Eisenbrauns.00:00 Introduction to Weather Magic06:00 Weather Magic in the Ancient World09:10 Andean Weather Forecasting and Ritual Practices11:03 Comparative Reflections on Ancient Weather Magic17:44 Magia Tempestaria Through the Ages23:04 The Benandanti: Guardians of Agrarian Fertility and Their Persecution27:37 The Use of Benedictions and Church-Instituted Weather Magic31:17 The Balkans: Weather Magicians and Guardian Spirits33:17 Talismanic Magic and Weather Protection37:27 The Resurgence of Weather Magic in Contemporary Paganism43:39 The Persistence of Weather Magic in the Modern Age44:47 Support Angelaâs Symposiumâ ïž Copyright of Dr Angela Puca, in all of its parts â ïžMusic by Erose MusicBand. Check them out!