Welcome to Brazilianing, a podcast made especially for those who want to learn or improve their Brazilian Portuguese.
Oi, I’m Dani, Brazilian Portuguese teacher...
#100 Aprenda essas 5 PREPOSIÇÕES de movimento em PORTUGUÊS
Hoje vamos aprendar a usar 5 preposições do português brasileiro, todas com o sentido de movimento.
Você vai aprender como usar a preposição A, PARA, POR, DE e EM e vai aprender alguns verbos de movimento.
Baixe a transcrição gratuita com exercícios.
To access the transcript of the episode, register for free at: https://www.brazilianing.com/podcast
Club de Conversação: Fale português - programas para todos os níveis (waiting list): https://brazilianing.com/wl
Complete Course to master the usual Portuguese grammar: https://www.brazilianing.com/peg
Listening Program: https://brazilianing.com/plp
The podcast is a one-way communication, but I would like to get your feedback and your opinion, how about sending me a "oi"?
Send me a message so we can continue this conversation:
My Instagram→ @brazilian.ing
#99 Melhore sua pronúncia cantando essa música brasileira
Que tal aprender português com música e melhorar sua pronúncia?
Hoje vamos aprender a cantar uma música brasileira muito tradicional e linda!
To access the transcript of the episode, register for free at: https://www.brazilianing.com/podcast
Club de Conversação: Fale português - programas para todos os níveis (waiting list): https://brazilianing.com/wl
Complete Course to master the usual Portuguese grammar: https://www.brazilianing.com/peg
Listening Program: https://brazilianing.com/plp
The podcast is a one-way communication, but I would like to get your feedback and your opinion, how about sending me a "oi"?
Send me a message so we can continue this conversation:
My Instagram→ @brazilian.ing
#98 Diferença entre os verbos PODER e CONSEGUIR
Hoje eu expliquei para você a qual diferença de sentido entre os verbos PODER e CONSEGUIR.
To access the transcript of the episode, register for free at: https://www.brazilianing.com/podcast
Fale português - programas para todos os níveis (waiting list): https://brazilianing.com/wl
Complete Course to master the usual Portuguese: https://www.brazilianing.com/peg
Listening Program: https://brazilianing.com/plp
The podcast is a one-way communication, but I would like to get your feedback and your opinion, how about sending me a "oi"?
Send me a message so we can continue this conversation:
My Instagram→ @brazilian.ing
#97 How to talk about the past WITHOUT using past conjugation
Nesse conteúdo você vai aprender 2 expressões muito úteis para se referir ao passado no português do Brasil SEM usar conjugação de passado.
To access the transcript of the episode, register for free at: https://www.brazilianing.com/podcast
Fale português conosco - programas para todos os níveis: https://brazilianing.com/wl
Listening Program: https://brazilianing.com/plp
Complete Course: https://www.brazilianing.com/peg/
The podcast is a one-way communication, but I would like to get your feedback and your opinion, how about sending me a "oi"?
Send me a message so we can continue this conversation:
My Instagram→ @brazilian.ing
#96 Most Commom mistake in Portuguese - Even in Advanced Speakers
Esse assunto sempre causa dúvida: BEM ou BOM em português?
Você deve estar errando nisso e nem imagina...
To access the transcript of the episode, register for free at: https://www.brazilianing.com/podcast
Participe do Club de Conversação: https://brazilianing.com/efp
Listening Program: https://brazilianing.com/plp
The podcast is a one-way communication, but I would like to get your feedback and your opinion, how about sending me a "oi"?
Send me a message so we can continue this conversation:
My Instagram→ @brazilian.ing
Welcome to Brazilianing, a podcast made especially for those who want to learn or improve their Brazilian Portuguese.
Oi, I’m Dani, Brazilian Portuguese teacher and I believe that learning Portuguese doesn't have to be difficult or boring.
Connect with Brazil, your family and friends and enjoy incredible trips mastering the Brazilian language!
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