In Matthew 5:13-16, the Bible refers to "salt and light" as a metaphor. As believers, Christ challenges us to add flavor and illuminate the darkness. Join Chaplain Black as he reminds us how salt and light can bring others to Christ!
Knocked Down But Not Destroyed
Life may knock you down, but it doesn't have to knock you out. Listen as Chaplain Black shares insights on how to stay in the game of life!
We Never Give Up Pt. 2
We never give up because, in doing so, we share in Christ's sufferings. When we know the one who gave himself for us, we have fellowship with Him—even in our darkest moments!
We Never Give Up Pt. 1
When you are at the end of your rope, refuse to be at the end of your hope. Gideon, in Judges 7, faced an insurmountable challenge. He could have given up, but he didn't. Learn how Gideon made it through and how you can, too!
Losing Your Cheap Things
Mark 8:36 shares, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul?" When compared to eternity, what can this world offer?