If you are trying to figure out how to navigate the tricky tightrope of parenting while you have questions, doubts and wonderings about your spiritual journey, ...
Highly Unorthodox Gospel - Rabbi Brian Zachary Mayer
With regard to the question, “Do you believe in God?” I do not care much about your answer. But if I were to ask the last five people with whom you’ve interacted if you were kind, about those answers I care very much. (Rabbi Brian Zachary Mayer)Our episode this week is with Rabbi Brian Zachary Mayer, dad, author of the brilliant book, Highly Unorthodox Gospel, (also known as HUG), French Horn player and our very first Rabbi.On this episode, we talk with rB (as he refers to himself) about all things related to kindness, compassion and love when it comes to our ever-evolving faith. We chat through these questions:1. Tell us about the word “spiritualigiuos” on your website called “Religion Outside the Box.” We are so intrigued. Can you tell us what this means to you? How is it different from mainstream practice?2. We love the title of your new book with the acronym HUG (not lost on us), Highly Unorthodox Gospel. What’s your gospel like and why is it highly unorthodox?3. One of your reviews on the book said this: “Hi rB, You had me at page fricking one!! I absolutely loved the book and couldn’t put it down. I finished it in one day. I am going to read it again and again. Loved the bacon cheese burger on matzah during Passover.” Can you just indulge us with this taste of what your book might be like for those who might be just a bit skeptical?4. We are a parenting podcast. The themes of compassion, kindness, and love are central to the book. How can parents incorporate these values into their daily lives with their children that may be different than the way they might have grown up in high-control religion? Why these three?5. How do you think we can challenge the idea of "right and wrong", “black and white” , what we might deem as orthodoxy in our faiths while still raising children with values that matter?6. In what ways can we nurture both our own spiritual growth and our children’s spiritual development in a world full of competing beliefs?We found rB to be hilarious, genuine, knowledgable and humble. We laughed a lot and also dove deep into some difficult questions.You can find rB here:Websites: rabbibrian.comrotb.orgInstagram: @rabbi_brian_afFacebook: Rabbi Brian Zachary MayerNewsletter: https://rotb.org/subscribe/
Ancestors, Art & Ancient Texts - Liz Charlotte Grant
Doubt is another word for imagination. (Liz Charlotte Grant)Our episode this week is with Liz Charlotte Grant, mom, author of the new brilliant book, Knock at the Sky: Seeking God in Genesis After Losing Faith in the Bible, artist and lover of the Bible.On this episode, we talk with Liz about all things related to seeking God through Scripture even as our faith continues to evolve. We chat through these questions:1. What made you do a deep dive into Genesis specifically?2. How do you continue to see Scripture as sacred even when you no longer believe in its literal interpretation?3. What is a fresh way to read Genesis that moves beyond traditional interpretations and the culture wars?4. The Old Testament is often the last part of the Bible that people come back to. What beauty and wisdom can we find in these books outside of this vengeful God that many of us have known? 5. What does it look like to view the Bible as a work of art, and how can this perspective reshape our relationship with Scripture and faith?6. What role has parenting played in your fresh way of viewing Scripture and the ways you’ve re structured your faith? 7. In the process of examining and teasing out our beliefs, how can we teach our children that the seeking itself is the point, and that it’s okay to question sacred texts?We found Liz to be funny, knowledgeable and ever-so-relatable. We laughed a lot and also dove deep into some difficult questions.You can find Liz here:Website: lizcharlotte.comInstagram: @lizcharlottegrantFacebook: Liz Charlotte GrantThreads: @lizcharlottegrantSubstack: https://substack.com/@lizcharlotte
I've Got Questions - Erin Hicks Moon
What we're learning is that God is comfortable with questions. In fact, our questions are often where God want to meet us. (Erin Hicks Moon)Our episode this week is with Erin Hicks Moon, mom, author of the new brilliant book, I've Got Questions, Zac Efron apologist (it's a thing y'all), and self-proclaimed Bible-nerd.On this episode, we talk with Erin about all things related to questioning, and why it's an necessary spiritual practice. Plus, we do find out more about why she has a obsession with Zac Efron, a reason to listen for sure.We chat through these questions:1. For parents who are deconstructing, how can we help our kids navigate their own faith journey when we’re still figuring out ours?2. What is the spiritual practice of "having it out with God." How can we do that in a healthy, healing way, especially when dealing with a faith background that was once rigid and controlling?3. You emphasize the power of lament and naming our pressure points in faith. What do you mean by lament and why does it matter so much when it comes to questioning God? And how does lament relate to naming our pressure points?4. You use lots of humor as a way to cope and heal. How can we, as parents, incorporate humor or lightness into our own healing process when parenting feels so heavy due to past religious experiences?5. You say that wrestling with God is part of the traditional Christian story, not a deviation from it. How can parents model a healthy wrestling with faith for their children, especially when they were taught to avoid questions in a high-control environment?6. In your book, you offer a pathway to make peace with our past faith experiences. What practical steps would you recommend for parents to set new spiritual boundaries for their families, even if those steps take them outside traditional religious norms?We found Erin to be smart, hilarious, and engaging, our conversation with her perfect for the times we find ourselves in on our ever-evolving faith and parenting journeys.You can find Erin here:Website: erinhmoon.comInstagram: @erinhmoonSubstack: erinhmoon.substack.com
Uncovering and Recovering from Purity Culture - Joshua Harris
"Purity culture presents a false dichotomy: restraint or chaos. The real alternative? Sexual empowerment - the freedom to experience intimacy on your own meaningful terms." (Joshua Harris)Our episode this week is with Joshua Harris, former pastor and the author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye, released at the height of purity culture, and currently on an highly sacred, evolving spiritual path. Here's where he finds himself today: I used to have all the answers—chapter and verse. Now I’m happily uncertain and enjoying the wonder and mystery of life.Purity culture is one of the most harmful ideologies that has invaded not only our bodies, but our minds and souls. We feel it's impact every day in our relationships and even in our parenting.On this episode, we talk with Josh about his own journey as the promoter and victim of purity culture, his "fall from grace," the deep heartache that ensued, his own shifting journey towards healing and wholeness, and how all of that has played out in and with his family.We answer these questions:1. You’ve gone through a pretty public shift in how you view relationships and faith. How has your perspective on dating and marriage evolved since the release of I Kissed Dating Goodbye?2. Reflecting on your journey from promoting purity culture to embracing a more open perspective, how do you now approach discussions about relationships and sexuality with your children, and what lessons have you learned that you wish you had known earlier?3. Given the shifts in your personal and spiritual life, what has been the most significant lesson you've learned about grace, forgiveness, and transformation?4. How have your faith shifts changed the way that you parent your own children, perhaps in other ways that are not directly associated with purity culture? 5. If you could sit your kids down and tell them one thing to take on their life’s journey (with the caveat that they would listen to you), what would it be and why?We found Josh to be wise, gentle, humble and the conversation with him much-needed and very much-appreciated. There was a palpable healing that took place as we were recording.If you have been harmed by purity culture and want to take one step toward your own journey of uncovering it and recovering from it, this is a MUST-LISTEN!You can find Joshua here:Website: joshharris.comInstagram: @harrisjosh
Reimagining Christmas - Sarah Swartzendruber
"When our faith shifts, sometimes stories that once felt magical like Christmas feel complicated. We can still feel empowered by the magical parts of the story while leaving room for age appropriate theology and curiosity with the story." (Sarah Swartzendruber)Our episode this week is with Sarah Swartzendruber, Sarah is a mama, pastor, kid's faith curriculum creator (Zippee) and cohort leader for Parenting After Deconstruction.Most of the parents who reach out to her know what they don't want to teach their kids, but they have no idea what they do want for their families. Sarah's passion is helping parents ind deconstruction create healthy spiritual practices for their kids that answer the question, "What now? How can we do this well?"On this episode, we dive deep into the idea of reimagining Christmas in the ways we parent.We answer these questions:1. What does reimagining Christmas mean to you, and why might it be important for us?2. How can we shift the focus of Christmas from tradition or obligation to something more meaningful and authentic?3. How can parents involve their children in rethinking and co-creating new Christmas traditions that reflect their family’s evolving values?4. How can families navigate grief or loss that might come with letting go of old traditions while creating space for new ones?Sarah is brilliant, imaginative and funny, while at the same time, a kick-butt theologian who will help you to feel like you've got what it takes to walk this "tricky tightrope" in confidence and clarity, but mostly in compassion and curiosity. Don't miss out!You can find the Sarah in these spaces: Instagram: @parentingafterdeconstructionWebsite: www.parentingafterdeconstuction.com
If you are trying to figure out how to navigate the tricky tightrope of parenting while you have questions, doubts and wonderings about your spiritual journey, this podcast is for you. It doesn't matter if your kids are smalls, middles, or bigs. We will explore what and how we are deconstructing from churchianity, harmful belief systems, and diving deep into the ways we can work this out in parenthood. We will also work through ideas for reconstructing a space for our families to thrive under new systems of love and freedom. We can't wait to bring you some hope that you are not alone and that it's really okay, even good, to explore all the possibilities that may have felt closed off in the past. This podcast will offer you grace and space to be exactly where you are and who you are. We are glad you are here.