Don’t Eat the Tainted Grain, redux - Rabbi Sharon Brous
Yitro reminds us, in the twisted reality of our time: do not quiet your intuition.
Defy the new norms. Live from your deepest moral convictions,
not your most callous political calculations. And do not eat the tainted grain—
no matter how hungry you are. Keep searching for an alternative food source.
There is always another food source.
So Much is Unknown. Do What You Know. - Rabbi Sharon Brous
Four postures our tradition warns against, in the face of grave threat:
Do not snail.
Do not capitulate.
Do not meet become the mirror image of your enemy.
Do not render yourselves preemptively powerlessness.
Instead: do what you know.
We Cannot Go Numb in this Darkness - Rabbi Hannah Jensen
We are all struggling in this moment of deep darkness - either riding the constant emotional rollercoaster or already feeling numb. The thing is that both of these will destroy us. Instead, we need to stay connected to our humanity and each other to get us through. That is the only way we will find ourselves back in the light.
Why a Mother and Daughter Visited Israel and Palestine Together
How do American Jews navigate complex conversations about Israel and Palestine across generations? And what does it take to truly listen to each other? Rabbi Sharon Brous sits down with IKAR’s CEO Melissa Balaban and her daughter Emma Wergeles to reflect on their recent trip to Israel and the West Bank with Encounter. From different generational perspectives, they share what challenged them, what moved them, and why direct engagement with both Palestinian and Israeli perspectives is essential for for any hope of a lasting and just peace.
Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God - Rabbi Morris Panitz
This is the moment to remember who we are, to ground ourselves in the story that stands in determined opposition to the story of tyranny. To tell of a God who cares about the vulnerable. To become again a people whose faith compels us to protect the frightened.