This episode we'll be wrapping up our three-part series on Scabies, an infectious skin mite that is spread through skin-to-skin contact. We'll learn the history of the scientific study of the mite, from the Bible to the writings of Saint Hildegard of Bingen (the most bad ass nun you've ever heard of). There'll be stories of secret identities and tales of why the deep belief that disease is caused by black bile pushed back the creation of an effective treatment for over 1000 years. Once the history wraps, we'll see how important microscopes, skin scraping, and ball point pens are to diagnosing the illness, learn all about how your head to toe application of sunscreen when you're kid has prepared you to be the best patient your doctor ever had, and finally round out the episode by discussing where the disease is today. So get ready for an episode packed to the brim with fun details and interesting stories.
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