Everyone wants to be used by God, but few are okay with being tested by God. But first, we must understand, why does God test us? How does God test us? And how do we navigate & pass His tests?
Trusting God No Matter What | Preston Morrison
“Trust God.” — It’s rarely easy, and often doesn’t make sense, but it’s essential to the life God calls you to. So what does a life of trusting God look like? What are the enemies of trust in God? What are the benefits of trust? And how can you grow in your trust?
Do You Know God Intimately? | Preston Morrison
Intimacy with God is key to a life of friendship with God. But what does a life of intimacy with God look like? What are the dangers of being lukewarm? What did your intimacy with God cost God? What does intimacy with God require of you? And do you REALLY understand how special intimacy with God is?
What Does It Mean To Have A Pure Heart? | Brent Hatchett
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” — What does purity look like? How do we stay pure in all areas of our life? What is the path to purity? And what does it ACTUALLY mean to have a pure heart?
The Secret Of Contentment | Preston Morrison
In a world constantly pushing us to chase more—more wealth, more success, more recognition—how do we find true peace and fulfillment and be content with what we have? What are the enemies of contentment? And what is the secret of contentment that unlocks the path that only God can unveil?