Is prayer something that can be learned, and how do I go about learning? What is meditation, and is it for people like me? How do I pray with the Scriptures? W...
Praying with Ignatius - Episode 2
Reflection Questions: What do you think prayer is? Have you found a way that prayer works for you or have you read anything that encouraged you to branch out in other ways. Have you felt God's presence in your life? What may have triggered that? What was that like and where did it lead you? Suggested websites aimed at helping people at helping people pray with St. Igantius:, or
Is prayer something that can be learned, and how do I go about learning? What is meditation, and is it for people like me? How do I pray with the Scriptures? What do people mean when they talk about ‘doing God’s will’, and how do they work out what that is? If you have ever asked yourself any of these questions, then Praying with Ignatius is the programme for you. Presented by Sister Gemma Simmonds