Jungian Analyst Jakob Lusensky engages in dialogues and research at the intersection of depth psychology and Christianity for the purpose of individual and cult...
In this episode, I speak with Swedish psychotherapist and historian of ideas, Suzanne Gieser, who shares some of her recent research on the fascinating topic of Jung and psychedelics. She offers insights into Jung’s views on the therapeutic potential (and dangers) of these substances and sheds light on early Jungian pioneers in the field of psychedelic psychotherapy. Suzanne also shares some of her own clinical experiences as a psychotherapist, actively working with psychedelic substances to treat complex trauma.Suzanne is a licensed relational psychotherapist with a private practice in Stockholm, Sweden. She is also a historian of science and ideas and the author of the internationally renowned book The Innermost Kernel: Depth Psychology and Quantum Physics – Wolfgang Pauli’s Dialogue with C.G. Jung. Suzanne is a scholar for the Philemon Edition, where she edited Jung’s 1937 and 1938 seminars in Bailey Island and New York.The music played in this episode is licensed under creativecommons.org: Ketsa - One has another.
Jung on death and the great adventure ahead (audio clip)
Jung on death. An audio clip from John Freeman's 'Face to Face' (BBC) interview at Jung's house at Küsnacht, in March 1959, two years before Jung's passing. Watch the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0p1ITcGtKI
E24 Confronting Death with Luis Moris
In this episode I speak to a dear friend and colleague, Luis Moris about his most recent book "Confronting Death". The conversation ambulate around Jung's writings on death and dying and the role of "the dead" in the process of individuation. Luis Moris is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Zurich. He is the founder of Blue Salamandra Films. He has produced and directed several films including interviews with prominent Jungian analysts. His website is: www.luismoris.comConfronting Death edited by Luis Moris and Murray Stein is now out on Chiron Publications.The music played in this episode is licensed under creativecommons.org: Ketsa - One has another.
E23 Doppelgänger: Rudolf Steiner & C.G Jung with Aaron French
In this episode, I speak to religious studies scholar Aaron French. We discuss Rudolf Steiner’s concept of the Doppelgänger and Jung’s concept of The Shadow, and explore what to learn when putting these two visionaries in the same room. Aaron J. French is a post-doctoral researcher in Religious Studies at the University of Erfurt in Germany. His main research focuses on the History of Esotericism, the History and Philosophy of Science, Sacred Space and Architecture, modern German Philosophy, and Science and Technology Studies.The music played in this episode is licensed under creativecommons.org: Ketsa - Bed.C.G Jung: Face to Face with Christianity is now out on Chiron Publications.
Reflections ~ Murray Stein
I invited a few of scholars partaking in C.G Jung: Face to Face with Christianity to share a personal reflection after reading the book. Third out is Jungian analyst and scholar Murray Stein. The music played in this episode is licensed under creativecommons.org: Siddharta Corsus - Constellations
Jungian Analyst Jakob Lusensky engages in dialogues and research at the intersection of depth psychology and Christianity for the purpose of individual and cultural transformation.
New book: C.G Jung: Face to Face with Christianity - Conversations on dreaming the myth onward, is now published by Chiron Publications.