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Podcast 【少儿必听】英语剧场|分阶听力提升
每天5分钟学地道美式英语, 趣味多主题故事剧场, 日常更新, 免费订阅关注!包含启蒙绘本、经典童话、热门故事、探索自然、少儿素养等系列主题, 精心改编创作, 难度适中, 由中英双语宝贝和妈妈共同演绎, 亲子互动, 适合全家磨耳朵学英文, 轻松提高听力口语!

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  • 【英语章节故事_11】Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 11(附双语文本)
    This is a little bit of the beautiful garden I told you about. You see Alice had managed at last to get quite small, so that she could go through the little door. I suppose she was about as tall as a mouse, if it stood on its hind-legs: so of course this was a very tiny rose-tree: and these are very tiny gardeners. What funny little men they are! But are they men, do you think? I think they must be live cards, with just a head, and arms, and legs, so as to looklike little men. And what are they doing with that red paint, I wonder? Well, you see, this is what they told Alice. The Queen of Hearts wanted to have a red rose-tree just in that corner: and these poor little gardeners had made a great mistake, and had put in a white one instead: and they were so frightened about it, because the Queen was sure to be angry, and then she would order all their heads to be cut off! She was a dreadfully savage Queen, and that was the way she always did, when she was angry with people. "Off with their heads!" They didn't really cut their heads off, you know: because nobody ever obeyed her: but that was what she always said. Now ca'n't you guess what the poor little gardeners are trying to do? They're trying to paint the roses red, and they're in a great hurry to get itdone before the Queen comes. And then perhaps the Queen won't find out it was a white rose-tree to begin with: and then perhaps the little men won't get their heads cut off!You see there were five large white roses on the tree-such a job to get them all painted red! But they've got three and a half done, now, and if only they wouldn't stop to talk-work away, little men, do work away! Or the Queen will be coming before it's done! And if she finds any white roses on the tree, do you know what will happen? It will be "Off with their heads!" Oh, work away, my little men! Hurry, hurry! The Queen has come! And isn't she angry? Oh, mypoor little Alice! 这就是我前面提到的那个美丽的花园。你们瞧,爱丽丝设法又一次变小了,她终于如愿以偿地走进了那扇小门。我想,现在她的个头跟一只站立的老鼠差不多大小。当然,这玫瑰树也是微型的,那几个园丁的身材也非常矮小。园丁是一些模样滑稽的小矮人。你们觉得他们是人类吗?我想,虽然他们的脑袋和胳膊腿儿样样齐全,看上去很像人类其实,他们不过是几张活的扑克牌。我感到奇怪,他们手里拿着红色的油漆在做什么呢?他们告诉爱丽丝说,红心王后想在这个角落栽种一棵红玫瑰,结果,这些可怜的小园丁们却误种了一棵白政瑰!毫无疑问,园丁们犯下了一桩弥天大罪!因此他们一个个吓得魂不守舍,担心王后会大发雷霆,命令上兵将他们的脑袋砍掉!那位王后极其野蛮,无论是谁惹动了她的怒气,她都会下令将那人斩首:“把他们的脑袋砍掉!〞说实话,那些罪人的脑袋至今还完好无损地长在肩膀上。因为,没有人真的去执行她的命令。如今,这句话已经成了她的习惯用语.你们能够猜出来吗?那些可怜的小园丁们在做什么呢?原来,他们想要把白政瑰花漆成红色,并且要赶在王后到来之前完成。这样,说不定王后发现不了他们的失误,这此小家伙们也就不至于掉脑袋啦!瞧,这棵树上长着五朵硕大的白瑰花, 把它们漆成红色是一件相当艰巨的任务!这会儿,小园丁们已经漆好了三朵半。他们不应该停下来说话一他们应该一鼓作气地把活干完!加油,小家伙们!否则,还没等他们漆完,王后就会大驾光临,如果她发现了树上的白玫瑰花,你们知道会有什么后果吗?对,就是:“把他们的脑袋砍掉!”喂,抓紧干呀,我的小家伙!快点儿,快!说王后,王后到。王后看上去是不是物然大怒?啊,我可怜的小爱丽丝。
  • 【英语章节故事_10】Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 10(附双语文本)
    This is the Mad Tea-Party. You see Alice had left the Cheshire-Cat, and had gone off to see the March Hare and the Hatter, as the Cheshire-Cat had advised her: and she found them having tea under a great tree, with a Dormouse sitting between them. There were only those three at the table, but there were quantities of tea-cups set all along it. You ca'n't see all the table, you know, and even in the bit you can see there are nine cups, counting theone the March Hare has got in his hand. That's the March Hare, with the long ears, and straws mixed up with his hair. The straws showed he was mad-I don't know why. Never twist up straws among your hair, for fear people should think you're mad!There was a nice green arm-chair at the end of the table, that looked as if it was just meant for Alice: so she went and sat down in it. Then she had quite a long talk with the March Hare and the Hatter. The Dormouse didn't say much. You see it was fast asleep generally, and it only just woke up for a moment, now and then. As long as it was asleep, it was very useful to the March Hare and the Hatter, because it had a nice round soft head, just like a pillow: so they could put their elbows on it, and lean across it, and talk to each other quite comfortably. You wouldn't like people to use your head for a pillow, would you?But if you were fast asleep, like the Dormouse, you wouldn't feel it: so I suppose you wouldn't care about it. I'm afraid they gave Alice very little to eat and drink. However, after a bit, she helped herself to some tea and bread-and-butter: only I don't quite see where she got the bread-and-butter: and she had no plate for it. Nobody seems to have a plate except the Hatter. I believe the March Hare must have had one as well: because, when they all moved one place on (that was the rule at this curious tea-party), and Alice had to go into the place of the March Hare, she found he had just upset the milk-jug into his plate. So I suppose his plate and the milk-jug are hidden behind that large tea-pot.The Hatter used to carry about hats to sell: and even the one that he's got on his head is meant to be sold. You see it's got its price marked on it-a "10" and a "6"-that means "ten shillings and sixpence." Wasn't that a funny way of selling hats? And hasn't he got a beautiful neck-tie on? Such a lovely yellow tie, with large red spots. He has just got up to say to Alice "Your hair wants cutting!" That was a rude thing to say, wasn't it? And do you think her hair does want cutting? think it's a very pretty length- just the right length. 这就是疯狂的茶点派对。你们瞧,爱丽丝与柴郡猫分手之后,按照它所指示的道路,前去拜见帽匠和三月免。她发现他们俩正坐在一棵大树底下喝茶,一只睡鼠躺卧在他们中间。量然桌前只有他们三个,却到处都摆满了茶杯。要知道,你们看不到整张桌子,然而,就在你们所能看见的那一部分,算上三月免手里的那个杯子,就有九个茶杯!这就是三月免。它长着两只长耳朵,身上沾了一些草棍。这些草棍暗示着它已经失去了理智,我不明白为什么会是这样, 你们干万不要把草棍弄到头发里面,免得别人以为你们疯了!在桌子的一端,放着一把舒适的绿色扶手椅,仿佛是专门为爱丽丝预备的。于是,爱丽丝走了过去,毫不客气地在椅子上坐了下来她跟三月免和帽匠聊了好一阵子,睡鼠很少参与他们的谈话。看哪,它总是在呼呼地酣睡,偶尔才苏醒过来片刻。睡鼠昏昏人睡,对于三月免和帽匠来说,倒是一件好事。因为睡鼠的圆脑袋非常柔软,很像是一个枕头,他们可以把胳膊放在睡鼠的脑袋上,倚着它舒舒服服地聊天。你们可不想让别人枕你们的脑袋,对吧?不过,一旦你们像睡鼠那样进人梦乡就不会有什么感觉了。我猜想,到那个时候,你们也就不在意了. 看来,他们没有给爱丽丝端来饮料和糕点。于是,爱丽丝主动给自己倒了一杯茶,并且拿了一块奶油面包。我不太清楚她是从哪儿拿的,而且她也没有放面包的盘子。看来,除了帽匠以外,大家都没有盘子。我相信,三月免曾经使用过一个盘子。(按照这个古怪的茶点派对的规矩),他们不时地要变换座位,于是爱丽丝坐到了三月免的位子上。这时,她才发现,免子把牛奶罐打翻到了盘子里。我猜,盘子和牛奶罐都被那个大茶壶给遮住了. 帽匠总是随身带一些准备出售的帽子,就连他头上戴的那顶帽子也是待售的。你们瞧,那顶帽子上标有10 和6两个数字,这表示帽子的价格是十先令六便士(先令是1971 年前英国的货币单位,为一镑的二十分之一)。这是不是一种可笑的销售方式?帽匠的领带还算不错,那是一条印着大红点的黄色领带。帽匠站起身来,对爱丽丝说:〝你的头发该剪剪啦!”他这样说话有点不太礼貌,对吧?你们觉得爱丽丝的头发长吗?我认为,她的头发很漂亮, 不长不短,恰到好处.
  • 【英语章节故事_09】Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 9(附双语文本)
    All alone, all alone! Poor Alice! No Baby, not even a Pig to keep her company!So you may be sure she was very glad indeed, when she saw the Cheshire-Cat, perched up in a tree, over her head. The Cat has a very nice smile, no doubt: but just look what a lot of teeth it's got! Isn't Alice just a little shy of it? Well, yes, a little. But then, it couldn't help having teeth, you know: and it could have helped smiling, supposing it had been cross. So, on the whole, she was glad.Doesn't Alice look very prim, holding her head so straight up, and with her hands behind her, just as if she were going to say her lessons to the Cat!And that reminds me. There's a little lesson I want to teach you, while we're looking at this picture of Alice and the Cat. Now don't be in a bad temper about it, my dear Child! It's a very little lesson indeed! Do you see that Fox-Glove growing close to the tree? And do you know why it's called a Fox-Glove?Perhaps you think it's got something to do with a Fox? No indeed! Foxes never wear Gloves! The right word is "Folk's-Gloves." Did you ever hear that Fairies used to be called "the good Folk"? Now we've finished the lesson, and we'll wait a minute, till you've got your temper again. Well? Do you feel quite good-natured again? No temper-ache? No crossness about the corners of the mouth? Then we'll go on."Cheshire Puss!" said Alice. (Wasn't that a pretty name for a Cat?) "Would you tell me which way ought to go from here?"And so the Cheshire-Cat told her which way she ought to go, if she wanted to visit the Hatter, and which way to go, to visit the March Hare. "They're both mad!" said the Cat. And then the Cat vanished away, just like the flame of a candle when it goes out! So Alice set off, to visit the March Hare. And as she went along, there was the Cat again! And she told it she didn't like it coming and going so quickly.So this time the Cat vanished quite slowly, beginning with the tail, and ending with the grin. Wasn't that a curious thing, a Grin without any Cat? Would you like to see one? If you turn up the corner of this leaf, you'll have Alice looking at the Grin: and she doesn't look a bit more frightened than when she was looking at the Cat, does she?怜的爱丽丝!又剩下她孤零零一个人了!没有婴儿,甚至没有猪宝宝来陪伴她!就在这时,她看见柴郡猫卧在她头顶上方的一根树枝上,你们可以相信,爱丽丝立即就变得快活起来。亳无疑问,柴郡猫咧着嘴巴笑得十分灿烂。可是,它长了那么多的牙齿!在它面前,爱丽丝是不是显得有几分羞怯?嗯,是的,她是有点儿胆怯。不过,你们要知道,柴郡猫长了那么多的牙齿,并不是它自己的过错。再说,即使在柴郡猫闷闷不乐的时候,它也没有办法控制自己的笑容。所以,总而言之,爱丽丝还是蛮高兴的。爱丽丝的神情看起来是不是特别认真?她昂着头,双手背在身后,仿佛要给柴郡猫背诵一篇课文!这倒提醒了我。在看这张图片的同时,我想教你们一篇很短的课文。亲爱的孩子们,千万不要生气!这个章节真的很短!你们看到树旁生长的那株毛地黄了吗?,你们知道它为什么叫狐狸手套吗?你们觉得它跟狐狸有什么瓜葛吗?实际上,它跟狐狸没有半毛钱的关系!因为狐狸从来都不戴手套!正确的说法应该是“人的手套”。从前,仙女们被称作“勤劳的人儿”,不知道你们是否听说过?好啦,这一章节讲完了。让我们稍微休息一会儿,等你们消消气。怎么样?你们感觉好些了吗?不生气啦?不再绷着嘴巴啦?好吧,我们继续往下讲。“柴郡猫咪!〝爱丽丝叫道,(对于猫来说,这个称呼很动听吧?)“请你给我指一下路,好吗?” 柴郡猫告诉她:如果她想去拜访帽匠,就走这一条路;如果她想去见三月免,就走那一条路。最后它还补充道:“他们俩都是疯子!〞话音刚落,柴郡猫就不见了踪影,活像一根刚刚熄灭的蜡烛!于是,爱丽丝动身前去拜访三月免。刚走到半路,柴郡猫猛地一下子又出现了!爱丽丝抱怨说,她不喜欢柴郡猫像这样神出鬼没的,突然就不见了踪影!这一次,柴郡猫开始缓慢地消失,首先是它的尾巴不见了接着,它的身子也不见了,最后,它的笑脸才逐渐地隐去。个没有身子的笑脸,这是不是一件咄咄怪事?你们想亲眼看见这样的怪事吗?掀起这页书的一个角,你们就会发现,爱丽丝正目瞪口呆地望着那个笑脸,她心里一定吓得评评直跳,对吧?
  • 【英语章节故事_08】Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 8(附双语文本)
    Would you like to hear about Alice's visit to the Duchess? It was a very interesting visit indeed, I can assure you. Of course she knocked at the door to begin with: but nobody came: so she had to open it for herself. Now, if you look at the picture, you'll see exactlywhat Alice saw when she got inside. The door led right into the kitchen, you see. The Duchess sat in the middle of the room, nursing the Baby. The Baby was howling. The soup was boiling. The Cook was stirring the soup. The Cat--it was a Cheshire Cat-was grinning, as Cheshire Cats always do. All these things were happening just as Alice went in.The Duchess has a beautiful cap and gown, hasn't she? But I'm afraid she hasn't got a very beautiful face. The Baby-well, I daresay you've seen several nicer babies than that: and more good-tempered ones, too. However, take a good look at it, and we'll see if you know it again, next time you meet it! The Cook-well, you may have seen nicer cooks, once or twice. But I'm nearly sure you've never seen a nicer Cat! Now have you? And wouldn't you like to have a Cat of your own, just like that one, with lovely green eyes, and smiling so sweetly? The Duchess was very rude to Alice. And no wonder. Why, she even called her own Baby "Pig!" And it wasn't a Pig, was it? And she ordered the Cook to chop off Alice's head: though of course the Cook didn't do it: and at last she threw the Baby at her! So Alice caught the Baby, and took it away with her: and I think that was about the best thing she could do. So she wandered away, through the wood, carrying the ugly little thing with her. And a great job it was to keep hold of it, it wriggled about so. But at last she found out that the proper way was, to keep tight hold of its left foot and its right ear. But don't you try to hold on to a Baby like that, my Child! There are not many babies that like being nursed in that way! Well, and so the Baby kept grunting, and grunting, so that Alice had to say to it, quite seriously, "If you're going to turn into a Pig, my dear, I'll have nothing more to do with you. Mind now!" And at last she looked down into its face, and what do you think had happened to it? Look at the picture, and see if you can guess. "Why, that's not the Baby that Alice was nursing, is it?" Ah, I knew you wouldn't know it again, though I told you to take a good look at it! Yes, it is the Baby. And it's turned into a little Pig! So Alice put it down, and let it trot away into the wood. And she said to herself "It was a very ugly baby: but it makes rather a handsome Pig, I think." Don't you think she was right?你们想了解爱丽丝拜访公爵夫人的经过吗?我向你们保证,那个过程真的非常有趣!一开始,爱丽丝敲了敲门,但是没有人来给她开门。于是,她只好自己推门走了进去。请你们看看这张图片,这就是爱丽丝进门后所看到的场景。那扇门直接通往厨房。公爵夫人坐在厨房中火,怀里抱着个婴儿。那个婴儿扯着嗓子正在哭叫。火炉上煮的汤已经沸腾了,厨师手忙脚乱地在那里搅拌。一只柴郡猫-像所有的柴郡猫一样-正咧着嘴巴在微笑。爱丽丝跨进门槛之后,所面对的就是这么一个乱糟糟的景象公爵大人穿着一件长袍,她头上戴的帽子还算漂亮,是吧?不过,对于她的长相,我可实在不敢恭维。那个婴儿一好吧,我敢说,你们一定见过比他更漂亮、更乖的婴儿。不管怎么样,你们一定要好好地看上几眼,说不定到下次再见面的时候,你们就认不出他了!那个厨师, 嗯,也许你们见过比她更棒的厨师。但是,我几乎可以确定,你们从未见过比柴郡猫更酷的猫, 我说的没错吧?难道你们不想拥有一只属于自己的猫吗?像柴郡猫这样长着可爱的绿眼晴、还能够咧着嘴巴微笑的猫?公爵夫人对爱丽丝的态度非常粗暴。她还骂自己的婴儿是“猪崽子”,这没有什么值得大惊小怪的。那个婴儿并不是一头小猪,对吧?公爵夫人竞然吩咐厨师把爱丽丝的脑袋砍掉。当然,厨师没有遵命。后来,公爵大人把婴儿朝着爱丽丝扔了过来!爱丽丝一把接住婴儿,抱着他转身就逃。我想,这是她所能做的最明智的事情了。爱丽丝抱着那个丑八怪婴儿,在树林中到处游走。那个婴儿在她怀里乱踢乱动,抱起来格外吃力。到末了,爱丽丝发现了一个实用的方法,就是紧紧抓住婴儿的左脚和右耳。孩子们,你们可千万别那样去抓婴儿!因为没有婴儿喜欢被人那样抓着!哎呀,那个婴儿一个劲儿地哼哼唧唧,爱丽丝只好严肃地告诚他说:“听着,如果你变成一头小猪的话,我就再也不跟你打交道啦!说罢,她低头瞧了瞧婴儿的脸,你们猜,他怎么啦?对,就是这张图片,看你们能不能猜得出. “哦,这不是爱丽丝怀中的婴儿,对吧?”啊哈,我就知道你们认不出来,尽管我曾经要求你们仔细地打量他一番!是的,这就是那个婴儿,他已经变成了一头小猪!爱丽丝把小猪放在地上,它一溜烟儿地跑进了树林。爱丽丝自言自语道:“我认为,他是一个丑八怪婴儿,不过,它却是头漂亮的小猪。”你们同意她的说法吗?
  • 【英语章节故事_07】Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 7(附双语文本)
    Would you like to know what happened to Alice, after she had got away from the Puppy? It was far too large an animal, you know, for her to play with. I don't suppose you would much enjoy playing with a young Hippopotamus, would you? You would always be expecting to be crushed as flat as a pancake under its great heavy feet! So Alice was very glad to run away, while it wasn't looking.Well, she wandered up and down, and didn't know what in the world to do, to make herself grow up to her right size again. Of course she knew that she hadto eat or drink something: that was the regular rule, you know: but she couldn't guess what thing. Alice looking at the blue caterpillar sitting on a mushroomHowever, she soon came to a great mushroom, that was so tall that she couldn't see over the top of it without standing on tip-toe. And what do you think she saw? Something that I'm sure you never talked to, in all your life!It was a large Blue Caterpillar. I'll tell you, soon, what Alice and the Caterpillartalked about: but first let us have a good look at the picture.That curious thing, standing in front of the Caterpillar, is called a "hookah": and it's used for smoking. The smoke comes through that long tube, that winds round and round like a serpent.And do you see its long nose and chin? At least, they look exactly like a nose and chin, don't they? But they really are two of its legs. You know a Caterpillar has got quantities of legs: you can see some more of them, further down. What a bother it must be to a Caterpillar, counting over such a lot of legs, every night, to make sure it hasn't lost any of them! And another great bother must be, having to settle which leg it had better move first. I think, if you had forty or fifty legs, and if you wanted to go a walk, you'd be such a time in settling whichleg to begin with, that you'd never go a walk at all! And what did Alice and theCaterpillar talk about, I wonder?Well, Alice told it how very confusing it was, beingfirst one size and then another. And the Caterpillar asked her if she liked the sizeshe was, just then. And Alice said she would like to be just a little bit larger-three inches was such a wretched height to be! And the Caterpillar told her one side of the mushroom would make her grow taller, and the other side would make her grow shorter. So Alice took two little bits of it with her to nibble, and managed to make herself quite a nice comfortable height, before she went on to visit the Duchess.你们想不想知道,爱丽丝从狗娃身边逃走后又遇到什么事情?你们瞧,对于小不点儿爱丽丝来说,狗娃的个头实在太大,不是一个合适的玩伴。(我猜想,你们不喜欢跟小河马玩耍,对不对?因为你们时刻都在提心吊胆,唯恐它那沉重的大脚丫把你们踩成肉饼!)所以,趁着小狗娃不注意的时候,爱丽丝赶紧溜之大吉。她东游游,西逛逛,不知道怎样才能恢复自己正常的身高。当然,她知道自己必须吃点儿什么,或者喝点儿什么。因为那是发生变化的必要条件,只是她猜不出来,应该吃喝点儿什么才好很快,她来到了一株大蘑菇跟前。蘑菇很高,她必须踮起脚尖,才能够看到蘑菇伞的上面。你们猜,她看到什么啦?我相信,你们长这么大,从来都没有跟那种生物交谈过!那是一条很大的蓝色毛毛虫。马上,我就会告诉你们,爱丽丝和毛毛虫都谈了些什么。不过,首先让我们好好地看一下这张图片。毛毛虫前边那个怪怪的东西叫水烟筒,是用来抽烟的。从那根长管子里喷出来的烟雾,能够像蛇一般盘旋成一个个烟圈儿。你们看见毛毛虫的下巴颏和长鼻子了吗?那些至少看起来很像鼻子和下巴,对吧?其实,那是毛毛虫的两条腿。要知道,毛毛虫有很多条腿,你们只能够看到其中的一部分。做一个毛毛虫可真够麻烦的,每天晚上都要数点那么多条腿,好知道自己的腿有没有丢失一条!另外一件让人头痛的事,应该是决定走路时先迈哪一条腿我想,如果你有四十或者五十条腿,每次外出都要决定先迈哪一条腿的话,你将永远也无法走出房门!我十分好奇,想要知道爱丽丝和毛毛虫都聊了些什么?哦,爱丽丝告诉毛 毛虫说,像这样一-会儿变大,一会儿变小,真让她感到不知所措。毛毛虫问她喜欢不喜欢自己现在的身高。爱丽丝回答说,她希望自己能够变大一点儿,因为三英寸的身高简直太令人难堪了!毛毛虫告诉她,蘑菇的某个部分可以使她变大,另外的部分可以使她变小。于是,爱丽丝在两只手上各拿了一些蘑菇,她先在这边咬上一口,然后又在那边啃上一点儿。终于,在去拜访公爵夫人之前,她恢复了自己正常的身高。

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