Shifting Something Within | Muslim Podcast w/ Ayyuilm
Ayyu Ahmed
Holistic habits formation for Muslims: Using all knowledge available to level up but under the umbrella of Islam, Quran, and hadiths. Talking more about the met...
When Islamic Rulings Got You Confused: Knowledge & Habits
We go into fiqh vs Islamic law. Explaining my intention & why I talk this way. How I learned from personal experience. A case study of Riba (interest & finance).
*Where pants originated from (Asia). Ethiopia is largely shafi'i madhab. Tiktok video I am talking about (58K views). My background: Generational muslims but (in the USA) didn't grow up among African Muslims.
My Knowledge Hub with over 100 resources (books, lectures, etc): COMING SOON
Mental Health, Islam & Stress: Understanding Habit Systems
It has been a while. Took a few minutes this morning to tell you the logical side behind mental health. You won't want to miss this.
Correction: Tiktok 0 views
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Hijab: Systems To Make it 10x Easier & Struggle of Keeping it On (FULL)
Hijab is a public habit (something a woman wears when she goes outside). Video format: Part 1 & Part 2 for Quran lines. Correction: 1.1% American Muslims (~3millions). Follow for daily motivation on Instagram.
While it is very easy for some, it isn't for others. I go deep into the root cause being systems rather than just willpower & faith. Rather than debating the validity (because it’s very clear) I tell you about the one aspect that is RARELY addressed: systems that impact the habit. Including: history’s impacts & context, the purpose of the law (maqasid al shariah), & real life examples of navigating hardships
EP. 9 The 3 Steps NEEDED In Breaking Any Bad Habit
the internet has lied & it took me years to find this out. Learn about the real reasons it is so hard to break a habit and the most effective & smarter was to do it.
Ep.8 Slowing Down & Hustle Culture's Impact on Faith w/ Habits
Today's culture has its drawbacks. Learn how to nagivate it from wisdoms from the quran, hadiths, a scholar's note, everyday people, and my week. The solution is building personal habits systems: Use my resources to actually achieve change: paid & free habit systems resources
BOOK Recommendations:
Don't Believe Everything You Think
The Book of Contemplation By Al-Ghazali
Down to Earth S2E2 documentary (Netflix)
Om Shifting Something Within | Muslim Podcast w/ Ayyuilm
Holistic habits formation for Muslims: Using all knowledge available to level up but under the umbrella of Islam, Quran, and hadiths. Talking more about the method I created to transform a chaotic busy life into a balanced, organized, & deeply fulfilling one through habits and smart systems. This is ideal for busy people: parents, entrepreneurs, working professionals, and students.