We covered the following in the twentieth episode of the Commodore Chronicles Podcast:
Four news bits
SE Michigan Vintage Computer Club - January 18th, 2025 show announcement
Dr. Mortal Wombat's Portal Buster
RetroGL's Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Seven new hardware pickups
The Commodore Years 1993-1995
Reviews of Super Mario Bros 64 and Sonic The Hedgehog
The lineup for the next episodes of the podcast goes as follows:
NES Advantage - River City Ransom
Commodore Chronicles - Turrican and Airborne Ranger
Fine and Tandy - Loom
More shows to follow...
To have your feedback featured on the podcast, join the Commodore Chronicles Discord Server (https://discord.gg/edN6J5Dh) or send me an email directly to
[email protected]
Special thanks to my "Fast Load Collective" patrons; Chris Petzel, Jim Pones, Eric Nelson, Mr. Krystof, Brian Nagel, Bill Bright and George AKA Drumr7!
Also, thanks to our VIC-II Sponsor, Retro Rewind. For all of your C64, 128, C16, Plus 4, Amiga and Tandy CoCo needs, head over to https://www.retrorewind.ca and use the login checkout code "CC10" to get 10% off your Retro Rewind purchases.
Thanks for tuning in!