A biweekly history podcast covering the last great war. Join Ray Harris Jr as he explores World War Two in intimate detail.
The History of WWII Podcast is prod...
As Gen. Manstein readies for Operation Thunderclap, the breakout of the German 6th Army, the Soviets attack again. This time, against the Italian 8th Army. They will be no more successful in resisting, than were the Romanians.
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Episode 521-Decision Time: Fight or Flight
Operation Uranus is launched. The Axis forces, caught unawares, fall back. Berlin makes plans, but they simply do not have the means to counter the Soviet attack, not that they realize this yet.
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Episode 520-Operation Uranus
While Stalingrad holds out, additional Soviet Armies are being assembled nearby. And in mid November they would be launched, to either side of Gen. Paulus’ 6th Army. If all goes well, those German troops within and near Stalingrad would be surrounded. But the trap must first be set.
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Episode 519-Defeat is Always Possible. But Will it Be Today?
Stalingrad’s defenders are pushed to the breaking point. Worse, they are only sometimes given help by Zhukov. The Germans attack again and the defense all but collapses. Fortunately, the attackers get tired and the Russians hang on. Meanwhile, while Zhukov is making moves behind the lines, certain German officers realize, how weak the Romanian divisions are.
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Episode 518-Stalin's Latest Mistake
The attack against northern Stalingrad fairs well, still the defenders on holding on. But Stalin is unsatisfied, he wants counter attacks. It will waste men and ammunition, but no one argues with Stalin.
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A biweekly history podcast covering the last great war. Join Ray Harris Jr as he explores World War Two in intimate detail.
The History of WWII Podcast is produced and narrated by Ray Harris Jr. Ray has a degree in history from James Madison University. I’ve been obsessed with the events and people from WWII since I first learned of them. I’ve been waiting years for someone to do a podcast on WWII and couldn’t wait any longer.