A podcast devoted to the proper care and upkeep of tarantulas and other inverts. After keeping a G. porteri for over 16 years, I decided that I wanted to add an...
Worth a Second Look ft. H. gigas (Cameroon Red Baboon)
First, we'll hear some listener feedback.Then, we held our second Arachnid Appreciation Club meeting at my school, and it went great. I'll talk a bit about what we did and my plans for the future.Finally, (28:00) in this new feature, I'll talk about a species of tarantula that I think gets unfairly ignored. In our first episode of "Worth a Second Look," we'll be discussing the Hysterocrates gigas or "Cameroon Red Baboon."
Updates on Some Recently Rehoused Tarantulas
When making my rehousing videos, I often talk about what behaviors I expect from the spiders as they settle in. However, I often forget to follow up and update folks on how they are getting on. In this episode, we'll take a look at some recently rehoused spiders as I discuss their behaviors in their new enclosures.
Arboreal Tarantula Genus Comparison
It's season 8! And to kick it off, we'll discuss a new paper that examines the symptoms of a Poecilotheria species bite.Then, I'm often asked what the "best starter arboreal" spider is. Although the popular answer is usually an Avicularia or Caribena species, folks still seem to struggle with their care. This got me to thinking...how do the other popular arboreal genera compare when you look at ease of care, temperament, and behaviors? In this episode, we'll take a look!
My Favorite Spiders to Feed
First off, we'll read an article that discusses the successful reintroduction of a previously endangered spider species in Europe. Next, we'll hear some listener feedback.Then...feeding is one of the most entertaining and rewarding aspects of the hobby. In this episode, I'll discuss the 8 spiders that I enjoy feeding the most.
Confronting My Potential Bias When It Comes to Old World Behaviors
So, I recently posted a video on YouTube discussing the tarantula species I've found to be the most defensive. Although I tried to think of an Old World species that gave me a difficult time, I didn't have a single one on the list. I knew that this was going to be shocking for some, but I wasn't expecting to be called "biased" when it came to how I present Old World behaviors. In this episode, I will discuss how and why my opinions on Old Worlds have changed over the years, and do some soul searching as I consider the message I am putting out. Check out the video here!
A podcast devoted to the proper care and upkeep of tarantulas and other inverts. After keeping a G. porteri for over 16 years, I decided that I wanted to add another tarantula to my collection. Several years later, I now keep over 100 specimens and 90+ different species. It’s safe to say that I am now completely addicted to the hobby. I’m NOT an expert, and I’m currently still learning about keeping these fascinating creatures. In fact, there are so many species, that I suspect that I’ll still be learning years from now. A teacher by trade, I enjoy passing along what I’ve information and techniques I’ve discovered and helping others in their successful pursuit of this hobby. I enjoy hearing from folks, whether through comments on the blog or email. I have done and continue to do a lot of research, and I will only be discussing animals I personally keep, so the information I present should be current and accurate.