Ian and Aaron discuss the release date of Fusion, winning money at poker, ideas for Laracon swag jackets, and a whole lot more.Sponsored by Bento, Moonbase Labs, and Packetly.Interested in sponsoring Mostly Technical? Head to https://mostlytechnical.com/sponsor to learn more.Links:Disney SpringsThe Wizarding World of Harry PotterFactorioPot-Limit OmahaNuxtNext.jsSeverance on Apple TV+MonarchWanderlogTripItNativePHP for iOSJohn Rudolph Drexler on BlueskyJess Archer on BlueskySNL Five-Timers Jacket
68: Right Off The Stage
Ian and Aaron discuss Aaron's reveal of Fusion at Laracon EU, the new Backstage Pass concept, the Laracon US announcement, and more.Sponsored by Bento, Moonbase Labs, and Packetly.Interested in sponsoring Mostly Technical? Head to https://mostlytechnical.com/sponsor to learn more.Links:Fusion hype videoBackstage Pass
67: The Big Reveal
Ian and Aaron discuss all things related to AI, Ian's new thing he built, a Rails course, and more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & Screencasting.com.Interested in sponsoring Mostly Technical? Head to https://sponsor.mostlytechnical.com to learn more.(00:00) - Sleep Talk
(04:00) - Ian Built Something
(17:05) - Let's Talk AI
(44:45) - There's A New Superman?!
(51:22) - Aaron's Going To Amsterdam
(56:24) - Rails Course!
Links:How to drink tea (Notes on Work)Mike and the Mad DogChatGPT ProWindsurf EditorOfficial Laravel VS Code ExtensionDeepSeekBoston Dynamics RobotsI, RobotRobot & FrankSuperman Official Teaser TrailerHigh Leverage Rails announcement
66: Zombification
Ian and Aaron discuss the importance of seeing your friends in person, why Blade needs to be as fast as possible, weapons grade social media, conferences, and a lot more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & Screencasting.com.Interested in sponsoring Mostly Technical? Head to https://mostlytechnical.com/sponsor to learn more.(00:00) - What's The Good Word?
(11:36) - Southern Hospitality
(17:24) - Degens
(20:02) - The Blade Czar
(28:52) - NativePHP on iOS
(36:05) - Aaron’s Laracon EU Update
(45:13) - Conferences
(56:06) - I’m Not A TikTok Man
(59:26) - PHP Has Never Been Cool
Links:New York Paycheck Calculator (with info on NYC's separate income tax)Dagger Components for Laravel BladeSimon Hamp's newsletter re: NativePHPLaracon EUJake Bennett's talk about State Machines at Laracon US 2023Tony Lea on XShipFast
65: The Existential Threat
Ian & Aaron talk about Aaron's upcoming JS library, a new course idea, "AI Aaron Francis", Disney Adults, and a lot more.Sponsored by LaraJobs, & Screencasting.com.Interested in sponsoring Mostly Technical? Head to https://mostlytechnical.com/sponsor to learn more.(00:00) - Body Talk
(05:18) - Ready For 2025
(19:20) - Long Plays
(28:10) - New Course Idea
(34:26) - Twenty Years of Grinding
(39:22) - It's Actually Marketing
(56:18) - About 30% Done
(01:02:53) - The Panel
Links:Year In ReviewLaracon EUCaleb's post on GitHub sponsorshipBootstrapped WebNotes on Work episode about the date picker (January 12th, 2025)The Panel