Welcome to The Soul Alignment Podcast! This podcast is for you if you desire to create a soul-aligned, magical and fulfilling life for yourself. If you're ready...
70. 7 Things that are Holding you back from Being Successful as a Healer/Channel/Energy Worker/Psychic
The most successful healers, psychics, channelers and energy workers you know all have several things in common: they are fully aligned with their soul, embodied in their soul gifts, they have healed their visibility blocks and they’re open to receive clients & abundance.After starting my own spiritual business a few years ago and working with so many healers, psychics, coaches and energy workers as my clients - I’ve seen again and again why and how people become successful in their field.In this episode, I share some of the most common things that hold people back from becoming successful (from an energetic perspective): * Visibility Blocks / Fear of Judgement* Psychic / Intuitive Blocks* Money / Abundance Blocks* Not Working with the Entirety of your Soul* Imbalances or Wounds in Masculine / Feminine Energy* Using Logic over Intuition* Putting Perfection over Taking Action---------------------------------------------------------------To join the next round of Divine Soul AlignmentClick the link here: https://www.chiaranaala.com/For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala: https://www.instagram.com/chiaranaala/If you're ready to go deeper or you want to know what working with me is like, sign up for one or several of my free offerings:*Free* healing & activation session The Portal: heal your womb, activate your soul gifts and open up your channel: https://www.chiaranaala.com/the-portal-replay*Free* 2-part healing and activation journey “Liberated” to heal your fear of being seen, reclaim ancient gifts & soul codes and drop deeper into your psychic abilities. https://www.chiaranaala.com/liberated-replay-optin*Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: https://www.chiaranaala.com/opentoreceive*Free* 2-day immersion “Soul Awakening” to remember your soul’s essence, activate your psychic abilities and start embodying your magic: https://www.chiaranaala.com/soulawakeningreplay-optin*Free* past life and witch wound healing session "Breaking Free" to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power https://www.chiaranaala.com/breakingfree-replay-optin*Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: https://www.chiaranaala.com/codes-of-isis-replay-optin* Free* Womb Healing Session “Sacred Womb”: https://www.chiaranaala.com/sacredwombreplayoptin*Free* Cosmic Connection Meditation: https://www.chiaranaala.com/cosmic-connection
69. 7 Reasons Why (Healing) Your Womb Space is so Important for Channelling, Soul Gift Activation & Psychic Work
The womb plays an incredibly important role when it comes to activating your soul gifts, strengthening your channelling & psychic abilities and receiving intuitive and channelled messages with more clarity and ease. In this episode, I talk about: * The Womb & Your Ability to Hold High Vibrational Energy* The Womb as a Connection to your Ancestors and their Gifts* The Womb & Past Life Gifts* The Womb & Your Feminine Energy (and why that’s so important for Channelling)* The Womb as a Bridge between the Cosmos and the Earth If you’re ready to go deeper into womb healing, activating your soul gifts and opening your channel - sign up for THE PORTAL, a *free* healing and activation session: https://www.chiaranaala.com/the-portal-replayTo join the next round of Divine Soul Alignment click the link here: https://www.chiaranaala.com/For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala: https://www.instagram.com/chiaranaala/
68. How Learning to Do the Hard Things & Choosing Discomfort will Help You Align with your Soul More Quickly
A lot of people think that soul alignment should feel easy. That it should come with a lot of ease and flow and if it feels difficult, it’s because it’s not aligned. In this episode, I’m sharing why I don’t believe that this is true and that in order to find soul alignment, you need to learn how to do difficult and challenging things and sit with discomfort over and over again. While being in soul alignment feels easeful and flowing once you’re there - the path towards it can be rather challenging and might require you to choose temporary discomfort over your comfort zone. In this episode I share: * The Common Misconception when it comes to the Soul Alignment path* Accessing New Timelines and Portals by Choosing the Hard Path* Personal Examples of Choosing Discomfort and Leaning into Fear* The Quickest Path to Soul Alignment------------------------------------------------------------------------------To join the next round of Divine Soul AlignmentClick the link here: https://www.chiaranaala.com/For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala: https://www.instagram.com/chiaranaala/If you're ready to go deeper or you want to know what working with me is like, sign up for one or several of my free offerings:*Free* 2-part healing and activation journey “Liberated” to heal your fear of being seen, reclaim ancient gifts & soul codes and drop deeper into your psychic abilities. https://www.chiaranaala.com/liberated-replay-optin*Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: https://www.chiaranaala.com/opentoreceive*Free* 2-day immersion “Soul Awakening” to remember your soul’s essence, activate your psychic abilities and start embodying your magic: https://www.chiaranaala.com/soulawakeningreplay-optin*Free* past life and witch wound healing session "Breaking Free" to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power https://www.chiaranaala.com/breakingfree-replay-optin*Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: https://www.chiaranaala.com/codes-of-isis-replay-optin* Free* Womb Healing Session “Sacred Womb”: https://www.chiaranaala.com/sacredwombreplayoptin*Free* Cosmic Connection Meditation: https://www.chiaranaala.com/cosmic-connection
67. What’s Holding You Back From Accessing Your Psychic Abilities - 9 Different Aspects
Whether you’re new to all of this and wondering if you have any psychic gifts or you’ve been on this path for a while and feel like you’d like to go deeper - this episode is for you if you feel there should be ‘more’ when it comes to your psychic abilities. If you’re at the beginning of your journey - this episode can help you determine what you need to heal/clear/release first to get started. If you’re already a psychic/channel/healer and you want to reach the next level of clarity/depth/precision - this episode will support you in understanding which aspects you might need to look into. In this episode, I cover psychic blocks from: * Your Conditioning / Childhood* Past Lifetimes* Contracts, Oaths, Vows* Ancestors & Lineage* Feminine/Masculine Energy* (Un) Worthiness* Dormant Abilities* Chakras & Energy Body* Your Physical Body----------------------------------------------------------------------------To join the next round of Divine Soul AlignmentClick the link here: https://www.chiaranaala.com/For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala: https://www.instagram.com/chiaranaala/If you're ready to go deeper or you want to know what working with me is like, sign up for one or several of my free offerings:*Free* 2-part healing and activation journey “Liberated” to heal your fear of being seen, reclaim ancient gifts & soul codes and drop deeper into your psychic abilities. https://www.chiaranaala.com/liberated-replay-optin*Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: https://www.chiaranaala.com/opentoreceive*Free* 2-day immersion “Soul Awakening” to remember your soul’s essence, activate your psychic abilities and start embodying your magic: https://www.chiaranaala.com/soulawakeningreplay-optin*Free* past life and witch wound healing session "Breaking Free" to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power https://www.chiaranaala.com/breakingfree-replay-optin*Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: https://www.chiaranaala.com/codes-of-isis-replay-optin* Free* Womb Healing Session “Sacred Womb”: https://www.chiaranaala.com/sacredwombreplayoptin
66. Life Updates: Dreams Coming True, A Few Months in Africa, Relationships & Shifts in my Business
In this episode I’m taking you a little bit behind the scenes of the last couple of weeks in my life. * December in Germany/Austria and Christmas with Family* Taking Time Off from my Business* Roadtrip in Kenya & Realizations I had on the Way* Dreams that Came True in the last 3 Years* Relationships & Feeling Safe with Peace and Calm* Where I’ll Spend the next Few Months* My Business in 2025I invite you to share with me what you’d love to learn from me or see more of in 2025 and whether you’d be interested in in-person offerings/retreats! Also let me know if you enjoy this kind of episode where I take you a little bit behind the scenes!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To join the next round of Divine Soul AlignmentClick the link here: https://www.chiaranaala.com/For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala: https://www.instagram.com/chiaranaala/If you're ready to go deeper or you want to know what working with me is like, sign up for one or several of my free offerings:*Free* Cosmic Connection Meditation: https://www.chiaranaala.com/cosmic-connection*Free* LIBERATED https://www.chiaranaala.com/liberated-replay-optin*Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: https://www.chiaranaala.com/opentoreceive*Free* 2-day immersion Soul Awakening: https://www.chiaranaala.com/soulawakeningreplay-optin*Free* past life and witch wound healing session "Breaking Free" to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power https://www.chiaranaala.com/breakingfree-replay-optin*Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: https://www.chiaranaala.com/codes-of-isis-replay-optin* Free* Womb Healing Session Sacred Womb: https://www.chiaranaala.com/sacredwombreplayoptin
Welcome to The Soul Alignment Podcast! This podcast is for you if you desire to create a soul-aligned, magical and fulfilling life for yourself. If you're ready to heal your blocks, activate your soul gifts & your purpose and step into the most powerful, aligned version of yourself - you're in the right place! Join me for my favorite practices, teachings, insights & inspiring interviews so that you can start to align with your soul and connect to your deepest essence.