Adil Kalbani is born in Riyadh in 1378 AH on the 25th of Ramadan on a Friday, Shaikh Adil Ibn Saalim Ibn Saeed Al Kalbani is an Imam in Saudi Arabia.
His fir...
Adil Kalbani is born in Riyadh in 1378 AH on the 25th of Ramadan on a Friday, Shaikh Adil Ibn Saalim Ibn Saeed Al Kalbani is an Imam in Saudi Arabia.
His first teacher in the way of Deen was Shaykh Hasan Ibn Gaanim Al Gaanim and this Shaykh was the one responsible for the department of Knowledge Propagation, Fataawa, Proselytising, and Guidance.
He has also achieved the great privilege of having studied parts of Sahih Bukhari, Sahih at Tirmidhi and Tafsir ibn Kathir with this very Shaykh.
In the college of principles of the religion, he also studied with Shaykh Dr Mustafa Muslim who was the teacher at Imam University in the Tafsir Baydawee.
In addition to this, he studied Akhir Tadmariyah, with Shaykh Abul Rahman Ibn Jibrin.
He gained knowledge of the Holy Quran with Shaykh Ahmad Mustafa.