🥦 Weekly Pod🥦 Interviewing all of your favorite local up and comers🥦 Hosted by The Brocolli Boys🥦 @the_augie_dupre🥦 @imcapitaljay🥦 Recorded @calvinsundays...
broccoli pod with digital artist and videographer Jayden CastellaWatch the Full episode W/ Video @broccolipod on youtube!Follow us on all social media platforms @broccolipod
Broccoli Pod Ep. 52. Zaden Goes To College
Welcome Broccoli family, to the first episode of the new year, as I'm sure you have noticed, we haven't posted an episode this year, and that is because we are changing things up a bit, were making our free form content a bit more, free form, as in we will upload once, maybe twice a month. So please, bear with us in this transitional period, and enjoy another episode with Zaden Z, who just so happens to be releasing his new song January 30th.Watch the Full episode W/ Video @broccolipod on youtube!Follow us on all social media platforms @broccolipod
Broccoli Pod Ep. 13 W/Kayos
Watch the Full episode W/ Video @broccolipod on youtube!Follow us on all social media platforms @broccolipod
Broccoli Pod Ep. 14 W/Romi
Watch the Full episode W/ Video @broccolipod on youtube!Follow us on all social media platforms @broccolipod
Broccoli Pod Ep. 15 W/DJ Bucky DunGun
Watch the Full episode W/ Video @broccolipod on youtube!Follow us on all social media platforms @broccolipod
🥦 Weekly Pod🥦 Interviewing all of your favorite local up and comers🥦 Hosted by The Brocolli Boys🥦 @the_augie_dupre🥦 @imcapitaljay🥦 Recorded @calvinsundaystudios