Where's the toilet? Two coffees please! How much is it? Learn the basics in bite-sized pieces with Katie and Matteo. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our You ...
174: La mia pizza! How to talk about what’s yours (when it really matters)
You need Italian possessive adjectives in most everyday conversations. You’ll see how they work, when to use them and mistakes to avoid.
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/Italian-Possessive-Adjectives
Today's Italian words:
Noi italiani non condividiamo la nostra pizza = We Italians don’t share our pizza
Noi inglesi non condividiamo la nostra birra = We English don’t share our beer
È la mia pizza = It’s my pizza
È la mia birra = It’s my beer
173: But in Italian: When to Use Ma, Però, and More
Here’s how to use "but" in Italian with ma, però, and more! Learn the differences between ma and però, plus other common Italian expressions.
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/but-in-Italian
Today's Italian words:
Roma è bella ma è troppo grande = Rome is beautiful but it’s too big
Questo ristorante è buono, ma un po’ caro = This restaurant is good, but a bit expensive
Leggo molto, però = I read a lot, though
172: I Love You in Italian: 7 Romantic Phrases
Learn how to say “I love you” in Italian, including a common mistake to avoid. You'll also learn terms of endearment and how to reply.
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/I-love-you-in-Italian
Today's Italian words:
Anch’io ti amo tanto = I love you too
Ciao amore, come stai? = Hello love, how are you?
Tesoro, ti adoro! = Darling, I love you
171: What on Earth are Italian Reflexive Verbs?
You need Italian reflexive verbs for many things. Like talking about your daily routine, feelings and even saying your name. You’ll learn what they are and how to use them.
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/Italian-Reflexive-Verbs
Today's Italian words:
Mi sveglio = I wake up (lit. myself I wake)
Mi alzo subito = I get up (lit. myself I rise) straight away
Mi vesto = I get dressed (lit. myself I dress)
Mi rilasso = I relax (lit. myself I relax)
Mi faccio un caffè = I make myself a coffee
170: Learn the Word for Cold in Italian (and Avoid this Mistake)
Learn how to say cold in Italian. You’ll see key phrases with the word cold, plus common mistakes to avoid.
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/Cold-in-Italian
Today's Italian words:
Che freddo! = How cold
Hai freddo? = Are you cold?
Non fa freddo = It’s not cold
Muoio di freddo = I’m dying of cold
Where's the toilet? Two coffees please! How much is it? Learn the basics in bite-sized pieces with Katie and Matteo. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our You Tube Italian Channel to get more Italian lessons.