Join Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and guests each week for a thoughtful and engaging podcast discussion of the weekly Torah portion. Each week, Zvi will be joined by a...
Why does the Torah spend so much time repeating the Mishkan’s details?
In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Rafael Polisuk explore Parshat Pekudei and its surprising focus on repetition and detail. They unpack the final verses of Sefer Shemot, … Read the rest
The post Pekudei 5785: Living Torah first appeared on Elmad Online Learning.
Continue reading Pekudei 5785: Living Torah at Elmad Online Learning.
Vayakhel 5785: Building a Diverse Mishkan
How do we create a Jewish community that honors different perspectives?
In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Ilana Gleicher-Bloom explore Parshat Vayakhel and its vision of community. They discuss how Moshe transforms Bnei Yisrael from a fragmented group into a … Read the rest
The post Vayakhel 5785: Building a Diverse Mishkan first appeared on Elmad Online Learning.
Continue reading Vayakhel 5785: Building a Diverse Mishkan at Elmad Online Learning.
Ki Tisa 5785: From Failure to Renewal
Can true growth come from mistakes?
In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy explore Parshat Ki Tisa and the dramatic episode of the Golden Calf. They examine why the Israelites fell so quickly after Sinai, the connection … Read the rest
The post Ki Tisa 5785: From Failure to Renewal first appeared on Elmad Online Learning.
Continue reading Ki Tisa 5785: From Failure to Renewal at Elmad Online Learning.
Purim 5785: Understanding Amalek
What does the Torah actually mean by ‘wiping out Amalek’?
In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Dr. Elisha Anscelovits explore the Torah’s commandment to wipe out Amalek, examining its historical, practical, and ethical dimensions. As Purim approaches, they discuss … Read the rest
The post Purim 5785: Understanding Amalek first appeared on Elmad Online Learning.
Continue reading Purim 5785: Understanding Amalek at Elmad Online Learning.
Terumah 5785: Building Sacred Space
This week’s episode is in memory of Beth Wasserman z”l and sponsored by her nephew and his family.
Why does God command a physical space if God is everywhere?
In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Brent Spodek explore Parshat … Read the rest
The post Terumah 5785: Building Sacred Space first appeared on Elmad Online Learning.
Continue reading Terumah 5785: Building Sacred Space at Elmad Online Learning.
Join Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and guests each week for a thoughtful and engaging podcast discussion of the weekly Torah portion. Each week, Zvi will be joined by a guest for a deep dive into the text, unraveling the wisdom nestled within each Torah portion, exploring its timeless relevance, and uncovering contemporary insights. Whether you’re a seasoned Torah scholar, an inquisitive seeker of knowledge, or simply someone looking for inspiration and wisdom, Pardes from Jerusalem provides you with thought-provoking conversations, invaluable lessons for personal growth, and deeper insight into Jewish texts. Tune into this Pardes podcast for a creative, personal and brave journey as Zvi and guests leave no stone unturned in seeking to bring out meaning and significance from each Torah portion.