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Rad Chat

Podcast Rad Chat
Naman Julka-Anderson and Jo McNamara
Rad Chat is a forward-thinking global knowledge hub where healthcare professionals can advance their knowledge and expertise in radiotherapy and oncology by uti...

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  • E160: Prof. Gill Harrison - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Advancements in Ultrasound
    Trigger Warning: this episode discusses imposter syndrome, mental health, childhood trauma, miscarriage, cancer, and misdiagnosis.Episode 160: Part of the Leadership series (part 28).Description: In this powerful episode, Naman Julka-Anderson and Jo McNamara sit down with Prof. Gill Harrison. Gill is a professor, radiographer and sonographer with almost 35 years’ experience in clinical practice and education. She was Associate Professor, Ultrasound Programme Director and Lead for Teaching Excellence at City, University of London, before becoming Professional Officer for Ultrasound at the Society of Radiographers. She currently lectures at several universities in the UK and overseas. She has been involved in writing guidance documents and standards and has recently co-authored an ultrasound textbook. Gill led the ultrasound survey group for the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS), has written guidance and e-learning materials for the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) and edits NHS e-learning for health obstetric modules. She continues to work with CASE committee and is involved in strategic ultrasound developments, leadership and imposter syndrome coaching. This episode is a deep dive into Gill’s career, imposter syndrome, sonographer title regulations and advancements in ultrasound.CPD Reflection Points:reflect on how Gill has navigated her imposter syndrome.reflect on times when you’ve doubted yourself and/or had imposter syndrome.consider how you might utilise Gill’s toolbox to tackle your own imposter syndrome.Complete this form for your accredited digital badge: Digital Badge Form.Links from the Episode:Prof. Gill Harrison research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gill-Harrison https://www.sor.org/learning-advice/professional-practice/diagnostic-imaging-pathways/ultrasoundCASE: directory of coursesRCT register – for non-statutory registered sonographersHypnotherapy - https://nationalhypnotherapysociety.org/about-us/regulationImposter syndrome App and podcast etc  - https://www.clarejosa.com/International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists: https://www.isrrt.org/European federation of radiographer societies: https://www.efrs.eu/NHS England Role of a Sonographer: https://www.hee.nhs.uk/our-work/sonographyThe British Medical Ultrasound Society: https://www.bmus.org/Society of Radiographers: https://www.sor.org/ The role of the expert witness: A guide for clinical imaging and therapeutic practitioners: https://www.sor.org/learning-advice/professional-body-guidance-and-publications/documents-and-publications/policy-guidance-document-library/the-role-of-the-expert-witnessClark's Essential Guide to Clinical Ultrasound: https://www.routledge.com/Clarks-Essential-Guide-to-Clinical-Ultrasound/Dodgeon-Harrison/p/book/9780367771164Research links from the Episode:Consensus guidelines on the communication of unexpected news via ultrasound: https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/162880/Impostor syndrome and pretense: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0020174X.2022.2042379The imposter phenomenon and its relationship with self-efficacy, perfectionism and happiness in university students: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12144-023-04672-4The impostor phenomenon at work: A systematic evidence-based review, conceptual development, and agenda for future research: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/job.2733Overcome imposter syndrome: Contribute to working groups and build strong networks: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320724001289Deindividualising Imposter Syndrome: Imposter Work among Marginalised STEMM Undergraduates in the UK: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00380385221117380Exploring UK sonographers’ views on the use of professional supervision in clinical practice – Stage one findings of a mixed method study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1078817423002274Scope of Practice and Clinical Standards for the Diagnostic Medical Sonographer: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/87564793241242633?icid=int.sj-full-text.similar-articles.1The role of the sonographer – An investigation into the scope of practice for the sonographer internationally: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1078817421000973Role extension in advanced ultrasound practice: A framework approach and case study: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9923144/Sonographic imaging education for sonographers versus health professionals: A literature review: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/sono.12399Making the transition from student to newly qualified vascular sonographer: An exploration of the domains of professionalism: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10152318/Rad Chat Links:Rad Chat WebsiteLink TreeFacebookInstagramLinkedInTikTokBlueSkyYouTubeCredits: Music and jingle credits: Dr. Ben Potts and Adam Cooke.
  • E159: Rose Ting - How to Support the Chinese Community with Cancer Prevention, Screening and Living With and Beyond Cancer.
    Trigger Warning: this episode discusses cancer, cancer treatment, lack of equity, health inequalities and risk factors of cancer for the Chinese community.Episode 159 of our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion series (part 14).Description: In this powerful episode, Naman Julka-Anderson and Jo McNamara sit down with Rose Ting who is a therapeutic Radiographer with over 20 years of experience. Deeply passionate about promoting radiotherapy, advancing diversity and inclusion, and improving patient experience and care. Member of the REACH (Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage) at her local Trust, Radiotherapy UK Ambassador and Member of Joint Equalities Committee at the Society and College of Radiographers. This episode, is a deep dive into Rose’s career, her lived experience as a person with Chinese heritage and her incredible advocacy work for the Chinese community around cancer awareness and screening.CPD Reflection Points:Read this journal article: ethnic disparities in lung cancer incidence and differences in diagnostic characteristics: a population-based cohort study in England: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanepe/article/PIIS2666-7762(24)00292-8/fulltextReflect on how you could support the Chinese community within your practice.Complete this form for your accredited digital badge: Digital Badge Form.Links from the Episode:Chinese Welfare Trust https://www.chinesewelfaretrust.org.uk/ NHS Bowel screening benefits and risks (in traditional Chinese): https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bowel-cancer-screening-benefits-and-risks.zh-twNHS Breast screening helping you decide (in traditional Chinese): https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5cd2ab6d40f0b6332614f8ce/Breast_screening_helping_you_decide_Traditional_Chinese.pdfNHS Cervical screening helping you decide (in traditional Chinese): https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5d8374aae5274a27cefd4a6b/Cervical_helping_you_decide_HPV_Chinese_HK.pdfChinese association for cancer care: https://cacaca.org.uk/Ethnicity facts and figures UK Government: https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/health/physical-health/cancer-diagnosis-at-an-early-stage/latest/Largest ever UK study reveals stark ethnic and social inequalities in lung cancer diagnosis: https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2024-11-08-largest-ever-uk-study-reveals-stark-ethnic-and-social-inequalities-lung-cancerResearch links from the Episode:Ethnic disparities in lung cancer incidence and differences in diagnostic characteristics: a population-based cohort study in England: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanepe/article/PIIS2666-7762(24)00292-8/fulltextUnderstanding Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapeutics: An Overview of the Basics and Clinical Applications: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33804485/National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health - Traditional Chinese Medicine: What You Need To Know: https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/traditional-chinese-medicine-what-you-need-to-knowMind-Body Therapies From Traditional Chinese Medicine: Evidence Map: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8722380/ Cancer incidence and mortality in China, 2022: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667005424000061Cancer burden and risk in the Chinese population aged 55 years and above: A systematic analysis and comparison with the USA and Western Europe: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38271210/Cancer survival statistics in China 2019–2021: a multicenter, population-based study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667005424000498Exploring Cancer Incidence Trends by Age and Sex Among 14.14 Million Individuals in China From 2007 to 2021: Population-Based Study: https://publichealth.jmir.org/2024/1/e55657/Rad Chat Links:Rad Chat WebsiteLink TreeFacebookInstagramLinkedInTikTokBlueSkyYouTubeCredits: Music and jingle credits: Dr. Ben Potts and Adam Cooke.
  • E158: Meera Shah - Living with Multiple Myeloma
    Trigger Warning: This episode discusses cancer, cancer treatment, cancer relapse, mental health, cancer during pregnancy and living with late effects of treatment.Description: In this powerful episode, Naman Julka-Anderson and Jo McNamara sit down with Meera Shah. Meera trained as a dentist and following a range of roles as a junior, focused on the treatment of patients with special needs. Whilst expecting her first child she noticed increasing pain in her chest, back and shoulders, with weakness of the upper body over time. When her son was 6 months old, she was diagnosed with a solitary bone plasmacytoma of the sternum. This was treated with radiotherapy. Due to the large tumour size, recovery was slow and Meera took many years to regain some upper body strength. She had to leave her role in clinical dentistry and go back to the drawing board. In 2018, Meera progressed to multiple myeloma, with multiple tumours in both femori and tibia. This was treated in 2019 with chemotherapy and an autologous stem cell transplant. She has since been on maintenance chemotherapy. There was a discussion of potential radiotherapy to both knees, but fortunately wasn’t required in the end. Unable to return to clinical practice, Meera completed her Diploma in Healthcare Professions Education. She now works part time in postgraduate dental education at NHSE and also delivers freelance education in the cancer space. Her primary focus is to educate healthcare professionals on the impact of living with a chronic condition/incurable cancer, not just on patients, but to the whole family, especially children. Her main message is to ensure patients are given personalised care based on their own personal needs. She also volunteers for Shine Cancer Support, supporting their network for young adults from minoritised ethnic backgrounds, and is a trustee for National Voices. This episode is a deep dive into Meera’s cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatments, her family life and how things could have been improved for her care.Episode 158: part of the Living with and beyond cancer series(part 47).CPD Reflection Points:read about the symptoms of Multiple Myeloma: https://bloodcancer.org.uk/understanding-blood-cancer/myeloma/symptoms-diagnosis/myeloma-symptoms/.reflect on Meera’s experience of diagnosis, treatment and now living with multiple myeloma. consider how you build a rapport with your patients and what you could do to improve your practice.Complete this form for your accredited digital badge: Digital Badge Form.Links from the Episode:BBC News article 'People are blamed if they have cancer': https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cg67k35z757oWhat does time mean to us now?: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3bHmlccOMzCxXdFtmq0xDfMyeloma UK radiotherapy: https://www.myeloma.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Myeloma-UK-Radiotherapy-Infosheet.pdfMummy’s Star Charity: https://www.mummysstar.org/Myeloma UK: https://www.myeloma.org.uk/understanding-myeloma/related-conditions/solitary-plasmacytoma/Blood Cancer UK charity: https://bloodcancer.org.uk/Shine Cancer Support: https://shinecancersupport.org/National Voices: https://www.nationalvoices.org.uk/ Early medical retirement due to ill health – what to do?: https://www.legalandgeneral.com/retirement/pensions/guides/early-medical-retirement-due-to-ill-health-what-to-do/ Telling your children you have cancer: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/diagnosis/talking-about-cancer/talking-to-children-and-teenagersResearch links from the Episode: Imaging in myeloma: a Royal College of Radiologists national survey of current imaging practice: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0009926021002774Multiple Myeloma and genetic testing: https://www.rcpath.org/profession/publications/annual-reports/annual-report-2021-2022/multiple-myeloma-entering-a-new-era-of-genetics.html  New paradigm for radiation in multiple myeloma: lower yet effective dose to avoid radiation toxicity: https://haematologica.org/article/view/9958 Towards individualized radiation therapy in multiple myeloma:https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7327648/ Radiation Therapy (RT) in a New Era of Multiple Myeloma (MM) Therapy: Trends of Engagement and Radiologic, Biochemical, and Cytogenetic Correlates of Outcomes and Response: https://www.redjournal.org/article/S0360-3016(24)02121-7/fulltextRad Chat Links:Rad Chat WebsiteLink TreeFacebookInstagramLinkedInTikTokBlueSkyYouTubeCredits: Music and jingle credits: Dr. Ben Potts and Adam Cooke.
  • Bonus Episode: Dr. Emma Hyde - UKIO President on why you should attend the 2025 congress
    Description: In this episode, Naman Julka-Anderson and Jo McNamara sit down with Dr. Emma Hyde who is the current president of UKIO congress.Bonus Episode with Dr. Emma Hyde talking about why you should register and attend UKIO congress 2025.Dr. Emma Hyde is an Associate Professor in Learning, Teaching and Pedagogy at the University of Derby. In 2020, she was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by Advance HE. This award recognised the impact that she has had on learning & teaching approaches, integrating simulation into the curricula of diagnostic imaging programmes, expanding clinical placement capacity, and supporting and nurturing a research culture at the University of Derby.She is passionate about Person-Centred Care and has undertaken a number of research projects looking at different aspects of this within her profession of diagnostic radiography. Emma has disseminated this research widely via peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and presentations at conferences and study days. She is an associate member of the Person-centred Practice International Community of Practice CIC(PCP-ICoP). In January 2022 she started the role of Clinical Director for the Personalised Care Institute. As well as her Associate Professor role here at Derby, she is the President of the UKIO congress for 2024 and 2025. She am also a member of the College of Radiographers Research Advisory Group, an Associate Editor of the 'Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences', a mentor for the FoRMM (Formal Radiography Research Mentorship) scheme run by the College of Radiographers, a mentor for the Council of Deans for Health 150 Student Leaders scheme, and a peer reviewer for the 'Radiography' journal.Links from the Episode:UKIO: https://www.ukio.org.uk/ukio-2025/UKIO programme: https://www.ukio.org.uk/programme-2025/UKIO registration: https://www.ukio.org.uk/registration-2/Pitch your project: https://www.ukio.org.uk/pitch-your-project/Research hub: https://www.ukio.org.uk/research-hub/UKIO abstracts: https://www.ukio.org.uk/abstracts/Funding for international delegates: https://www.ukio.org.uk/funding-for-international-delegates/Sponsorship and exhibition: https://www.ukio.org.uk/sponsorship-exhibition/Rad Chat Links:Rad Chat WebsiteLink TreeFacebookInstagramLinkedInTikTokBlueSkyYouTubeCredits: Music and jingle credits: Dr. Ben Potts and Adam Cooke.
  • E157: Dr. Anthony Cunliffe - Primary Care General Practice and Cancer Care
    Trigger Warning: cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment and misdiagnosis.Description: in this episode, Naman Julka-Anderson and Jo McNamara sit down with Anthony to discuss working as a GP, his career, acute oncology, current primary care challenges and opportunities and working at Macmillan Cancer Support charity. Episode 157 of our workforce and education series series (Part 55) features the amazing Dr. Anthony Cunliffe.CPD Reflection Points:Think about a time when you encountered a patient whose cancer diagnosis was delayed. What were the key barriers to early detection in that case? How could primary care systems improve to reduce the risk of missed or late cancer diagnoses?Patients undergoing cancer treatment often experience side effects that impact their quality of life. In your experience, what are the most challenging side effects to manage in primary care, and how could you support patients more in your role?Many cancer patients report difficulties navigating between primary and secondary care, leading to gaps in communication and continuity of care. What challenges have you encountered in engaging with primary care as a secondary care professional (or vice versa)? How can we improve collaboration to ensure seamless, patient-centred cancer care?Complete this form for your accredited digital badge: Digital Badge Form.Links from the Episode:UK Acute Oncology Society: https://www.ukacuteoncology.co.uk/Clinical Oncology training https://medical.hee.nhs.uk/medical-training-recruitment/medical-specialty-training/clinical-oncologyMacmillan training https://www.macmillan.org.uk/healthcare-professionals/macmillan-professionals/learning-and-development?infinity=ict2~net~gaw~cmp~~ag~~ar~683593456455~kw~cancer%20support%20worker~mt~b&&infinity=ict2~net~gaw~ar~683593456455~kw~cancer%20support%20worker~mt~b~cmp~G_PS_HCP_GEN~ag~Cancer+Healthcare+Professional+Roles&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoJC-BhCSARIsAPhdfShxLYv-vrLKFJ9irDgGtWRX_4ItrLi7mPnc0jh8QVxVXOmkzFqUfNoaAjAUEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.dsDiagnosing cancer earlier – challenges from a primary care perspective https://www.macmillan.org.uk/healthcare-professionals/news-and-resources/blogs/diagnosing-cancer-earlierAddress Health Inequalities to Improve Cancer Outcomes https://www.medscape.co.uk/viewarticle/address-health-inequalities-improve-cancer-outcomes-2022a1001llfRad Chat Links:Rad Chat WebsiteLink TreeFacebookInstagramLinkedInTikTokBlueSkyYouTubeCredits: Music and jingle credits: Dr. Ben Potts and Adam Cooke.

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Rad Chat is a forward-thinking global knowledge hub where healthcare professionals can advance their knowledge and expertise in radiotherapy and oncology by utilising the award winning, first therapeutic radiographer led oncology podcast and social media channels. We're empowering healthcare professionals worldwide by providing free, CPD-accredited radiotherapy and oncology education, by sharing real-world experience, expert insights, best practice and patient perspectives, we're helping healthcare professionals’ advance cancer care and improve patient outcomes.

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