Learn about strength training, fitness, weightlifting and health from the Strength Log podcast. Your hosts, Daniel Richter and Philip Wildenstam, are two Swedes...
How can you save time in the gym while still building muscle and getting stronger? Today, we’re discussing time-saving training techniques like drop-sets, rest-pause training, myo-reps, and supersets. A follow-up question for people short on time in the gym is: If you only have time to focus on one muscle group or lift, how little can you train the rest of your body without losing strength and muscle mass? *** Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that follow button! You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam. Become a part of our Reddit community here. *** This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden. To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life. If you want a t-shirt with ”Train hard, eat well, die anyway”, check out our shop here.
Your Training Journey from Beginner to Advanced
What does a training journey look like, going from being a beginner to intermediate to advanced? And how should your training change so that you keep making gains? That’s the topic for today, and we talk about how your body responds to training differently depending on how much and for how long you’ve trained, how your approach to your workouts will have to change during the journey, and why sleep, diet, and other recovery tools become increasingly important the more advanced you become. Fun topic! Let’s dive in. *** Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that follow button! You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam. Become a part of our Reddit community here. *** This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden. To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life. If you want a t-shirt with ”Train hard, eat well, die anyway”, check out our shop here.
Weight Loss from Exercise: A Myth?
Is it a myth that you lose weight from exercise? A huge new study looked into how much weight you lose for every 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (cardio) you do per week—and the results are disappointing, to say the least. This fits the evidence we already have, so why do people continue recommending exercise for weight loss? Well, exercise is kind of great for everything else—and an obvious part of a healthy lifestyle. Today, we’ll break down how much fat you can expect to lose if you start exercising more, and explain why our bodies quickly tend to adapt to our new routines, making dietary changes absolutely necessary for weight loss. *** Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that follow button! You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam. Become a part of our Reddit community here. *** This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden. To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life. If you want a t-shirt with ”Train hard, eat well, die anyway”, check out our shop here.
How Many Calories Do You Burn Lifting Weights?
How many calories do you burn lifting weights, and do you burn more calories if you use light or heavy weights? Also, should you even care about that when the main reasons for strength training are to build muscle and become stronger and healthier (plus look better naked)? Knowledge is power—and in today’s episode, you’ll learn what researchers have discovered when measuring calories burned during weightlifting! We end the show by talking about Daniel’s upcoming bench press meet. Timestamps: 02:30 - How many calories do you burn lifting weights? 26:00 - Daniel will compete in bench pressing in a few weeks! How will he train, and how does it feel to make a competition comeback? *** Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that follow button! You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam. Become a part of our Reddit community here. *** This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden. To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life. If you want a t-shirt with ”Train hard, eat well, die anyway”, check out our shop here.
Are Unilateral Exercises Superior to Bilateral?
Which is better for muscle growth and strength gains: unilateral exercises, where you work one side at a time, allowing for more focus on that particular muscle, or bilateral exercises, which lets you use heavier weights? Today, we're breaking down a new meta-analysis looking into this, and give you our practical takeaways. We also answer a few listener questions, see the timestamps below. One final thing: We have a Reddit community now! Join us at r/strengthlog/. Timestamps: 03:45 - Unilateral vs bilateral exercises for strength and hypertrophy 20:40 - Listener question 1: Which unilateral exercises would you have as the foundation in a program during a period when bilateral exercises don’t work for me because of a cranky back? 22:30 - Listener question 2: I mostly do kettlebell training at home. Do you think it’s better to do the exercises with one or two kettlebells simultaneously? 27:00 - Listener question 3: Do you notice a big difference in making the podcast in English vs in Swedish? Is there a difference in the questions you get? *** Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that follow button! You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam. Become a part of our Reddit community here. *** This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden. To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life. If you want a t-shirt with ”Train hard, eat well, die anyway”, check out our shop here.
Learn about strength training, fitness, weightlifting and health from the Strength Log podcast. Your hosts, Daniel Richter and Philip Wildenstam, are two Swedes with decades of experience in the gym, as well as reading and translating science into understandable insights for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of how to reach their fitness goals. To support the show, download the StrengthLog workout tracker app for free from Apple's App Store or Google Play today!